Why don't INFJs fit into society

Is sitting in the tub in a drunken stupor count as ennui? Every time I do something something bourgeois I feel embarrassed. Like some fucking Frenchman is in the bathroom nonchalantly watching me pee while Salvador Dali is riding a fucking tricycle on the ceiling.
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How to state and answer without sounding like a total snob, well when it comes to the things most people talk about in society I find unappealing and quite pointless. I mean who really gives a shit about what that chick is wearing or follow me on social media? Not I! And when I am truly interested in a conversation, I'm so polite the by the time I get two words in, the conversation has jumped topics so I say nevermind and back away hoping it's not noticed, or feel awkward when everyone looks at me like "um we were done with that one" so I just do not mesh with society and Thier standards which are so different from mine. I do find myself a bit on the critical side when it comes to how people carry themselves, how they treat others and I'll be the first one to jump up and defend what is morally right, no matter who the audience. I can mingle with people, I love social events when I'm in the mood, but will find myself making up excuses not to go. However I will get deeply offended if I am not invited! I actually love the fact that I do not fit in. but also hate it when a certain thing I do is pointed out be it positive or negative. I do not like attention whatsoever. When it comes to understanding and relating to people and feeling Thier pain, I love to take a hurt spirit and give it the charge it needs to keep on going. But I wish that one time, just oneed that I could have a meltdown and someone be able to relate to me. But it's virtually impossible. I am a 99% empath and some days society and it's territory is enough to make me want complete darkness and silence, or getting every tear out so I can move on and be me again. Some people think we are insane and to a point we are, but isn't it amusing as hell to watch someone pretend to be an infj?? I will go along to the fullest for comforting purposes, until they get stuck trying to explain only things we would know or relate to, then it's obvious we are some of the most awesome complex and good-hearted people and the world may get amused by us or it may seem like we don't fit in, but I will still be the first one to coach someone else on how to fit in, because in all honesty we could easily fit in but who wants to be like the rest of the world?
I am extremely choosy about the people I like and it takes a lot for me to connect with people. I know myself and don't care if I come across as antisocial. If I appear hard to know, it's because the person at issue isn't worthy of knowing me. It sounds arrogant but the truth is that after a life of feeling different, I figured out that I am special because I am different and I know and like who I am. Antisocial just means that I associate with those I deem worthy and am polite and standoffish to those I deem unworthy

@Scientia I'm glad you shared this. I recently came to this conclusion myself. My Fe can be too indiscriminate in social situations, and I feel compelled to act a particular way- to try and be involved somehow. I just read in a quote about infj's 'having to find a way to distinguish their feelings from others' maybe it's about this too? Anyway I do think it'd help me to try less, and discern a bit more.
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Overly dramatic. Even a square peg will fit into a round hole if it's big enough.
I think we can work to "fit in" and most of us do. We carry on and play the game, so we're accepted. But we rarely feel accepted, or comfortable. I personally always felt I could do things, but couldn't explain how.

I don't see infj as being "special and better" just different. Its like we've been shown the test answers, without knowing the questions. And we remember many of those answers, like a deja vu type experience.

For the most part I think it's practically a waste of time, to try to explain that to someone who isn't infj. I'd describe it as like a radio broadcast that goes in and out of reception, that others don't hear.

I think we ultimately puzzle and scare many people, when we either accidentally or deliberately reveal what we can do. Other types can be highly intuitive but it's less common. Fitting into social groups isn't everything. We can't help who we are.

I think we were given that role for a reason and we have to accept ourselves and make the best of it, that we can.
The truth is, everyone fits in. Unless you want to fit in a very specific way. Be popular, rich...both.
No one is the same and thank the universe for that.
I can guarantee you not a single person on this planet has a clue what's really going on. Some just learn how to play the game better. However don't feel as if those people are lucky. Generally they are very very alone. For them it's like living on a planet of people who can never catch up to them. Like talking to an AI programmed to give the simplest responses.
Perhaps what you really mean is why is it so difficult for the general population to understand you?
Perhaps what you really mean is why is it so difficult for the general population to understand you?
See this is how misunderstandings get seeded, and explanation rarely survives.
Nope, this was not what I meant. I was going to type out a long explanation of what I meant but I lack the energy to do so.

It was a dash at a humorous play on the words 'hole' and 'whole'. "The square peg fitting in the round whole". Not everything is exacting.
I can guarantee
As for this, I don't agree. Each of us are entitled to opinion, assumption and interpretation of facts.

I keep trying EH, honest I do. Have a beautiful day :)
See this is how misunderstandings get seeded, and explanation rarely survives.
Nope, this was not what I meant. I was going to type out a long explanation of what I meant but I lack the energy to do so.

It was a dash at a humorous play on the words 'hole' and 'whole'. "The square peg fitting in the round whole". Not everything is exacting.

As for this, I don't agree. Each of us are entitled to opinion, assumption and interpretation of facts.

I keep trying EH, honest I do. Have a beautiful day :)
Examples of who you think has a clue what's going On? I can dispel any suggestion quickly by doing nothing other than stating some of the more interesting characteristics of atoms.
How to state and answer without sounding like a total snob, well when it comes to the things most people talk about in society I find unappealing and quite pointless. I mean who really gives a shit about what that chick is wearing or follow me on social media? Not I! And when I am truly interested in a conversation, I'm so polite the by the time I get two words in, the conversation has jumped topics so I say nevermind and back away hoping it's not noticed, or feel awkward when everyone looks at me like "um we were done with that one" so I just do not mesh with society and Thier standards which are so different from mine. I do find myself a bit on the critical side when it comes to how people carry themselves, how they treat others and I'll be the first one to jump up and defend what is morally right, no matter who the audience. I can mingle with people, I love social events when I'm in the mood, but will find myself making up excuses not to go. However I will get deeply offended if I am not invited! I actually love the fact that I do not fit in. but also hate it when a certain thing I do is pointed out be it positive or negative. I do not like attention whatsoever. When it comes to understanding and relating to people and feeling Thier pain, I love to take a hurt spirit and give it the charge it needs to keep on going. But I wish that one time, just oneed that I could have a meltdown and someone be able to relate to me. But it's virtually impossible. I am a 99% empath and some days society and it's territory is enough to make me want complete darkness and silence, or getting every tear out so I can move on and be me again. Some people think we are insane and to a point we are, but isn't it amusing as hell to watch someone pretend to be an infj?? I will go along to the fullest for comforting purposes, until they get stuck trying to explain only things we would know or relate to, then it's obvious we are some of the most awesome complex and good-hearted people and the world may get amused by us or it may seem like we don't fit in, but I will still be the first one to coach someone else on how to fit in, because in all honesty we could easily fit in but who wants to be like the rest of the world?

Agreed on every single point. I couldn't dare imagine being anyone but myself. I've also never seen anyone interpret or try to pretend to be INFJ... (most people in my life do not know what the MBTI is).

The more I age, the less I actually want to talk to people, at all. I'm going through the stages of losing a loved one, and I'm on the verge of permanently shutting droves of people out of my life, because the interaction is worthless to me. (This is mostly the mood I'm in currently).

How beautiful it is to not need friends... on the contrary, I have many friends, but only few of them I have given the privilege of family, basically. The rest could die and, well, I wouldn't care at all.

There are days when I feel extreme light and warm heartedness, and there are days where I become the most anti-human thing that I'd have ever imagined.
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No wonder one of my favorite song is:
I am misunderstood so much and so often. I notice things out of place, different, not real, fake, too many of, not enough of, and add to that seeing things before they happen so much I sometimes feel as if I've caused it to happen just thinking about it.

Noticed things not long ago and knew immediately what was going on. Shared it with a personal friend I figured would not talk about it. We discussed it here and there over the year or so. Guess what? I noticed positive change(to me). Made me feel better; almost like I had helped. Shared something else with him I had been watching. He kind of let me know others had noticed. As I was leaving that day driving away, too far to hear him speak, it was like I heard him say to the other guy there, "Now he's trying to figure out what so and so is doing."

I know I'm not like everyone else. I have made very few friends that related to me by listening to something about myself, then sharing something about themselves, and back and forth like a really personal conversation. We share stories that intertwine and we both are excited about it. Can't really remember last time that happened lately. And if I share something, I would so rather they share something back than to question my motives or wonder what I was up to. I seem to be on a quest for learning been going on almost sixty years. I changed my vocabulary to try and fit in with my only two friends in junior high school, but not changing ever again. They can take me or leave me.

Did something to further my knowledge many years ago a man knew about last year. He said people don't do that to do this. I told him he was correct. When they try and figure me out, all they do is get it all wrong. Add to all this my spirituality and religion, and they aren't even in the same ballpark. Try to make friends by sharing things with them and end up being shunned. Think I'm just too complicated for most, though I try not to be. They don't know how to react when I say something, so it seems. THAT makes me somewhat withdraw. I would have found myself interesting and looked into myself. Maybe THEY feel uncomfortable and out of place now that I am myself? What do I do? Try my best not to get angry, by all means. I see it as a collision of sorts, and it gets lonely. I find comfort in the rivers and woods, with the birds and the winds, and my guitar. I love my pets. I see no lone wolf here.
I keep reading articles all over the Internet saying that INFJs are known for being outsiders and not fitting into society. However, I can't figure out why. I believe I accurately match the type description, but I don't understand how any of the qualities in the description could make me not fit in. So, using the basic description, could someone please post exact reasons why we don't fit in to society, provide concrete examples involving real-world situations to better explain each reason, and provide some solutions for what we can do to the long better. I am tired of reading these doom and gloom articles that only give a pronouncement with no reasons and no solutions. I do believe the pronouncement is true, but I can't understand why.

I'm going to use my own example. I think realizing I was an INFJ, after doing the personality test was such a break-through for me honestly. Because I've kind of always known something was very different about me, compared to other people. Things specifically, like my need to alienate myself sometimes. And that after being extroverted, all the time, I would experience like depressive episodes where I would just cry and really needed to be alone at all costs. Now I've kind of learnt from that - that while I may go out and do things, I definitely need time alone to myself. It's crazy how comfortable I feel being by myself, doing my own thing, even if I am alone for the whole day. And it was things like that that I knew wasn't considered "very common" in society.

As well as another thing that made me so happy was INFJ thing, and not just me, was the INFJ door slam which I have done to so many people, unconsciously, to try not to hurt them further or to protect myself. And I'd always wondered, what was wrong with me. Like why the hell I would do that? And it frustrated me so much. A lot of the relationships I've left, I've been better from, but a lot of them I do regret.
I tend to avoid people avidly who are bad for me. And soon when I detect selfishness or something that could be toxic for me (because I have had people who've used me in the past) and I've closed them off. This, has two consequences. One, that I have very few close friends, and people that I have felt comfortable opening up to. Because of my very private nature, but ability to converse naturally, people think they know about me, but I tend to keep the more serious matters to myself until I am extremely sure I can trust the person. And the second consequence, is that the friends I have are kind of "friends for life" and I know I can trust them at all costs. And they have accepted me through thick and thin.

I also tried to be popular, and was for very short periods of my life, but was so overwhelmed and hated being so extraverted. I think I always wanted different things in life. From a very young age, despite being brought up in kind of a homophobic, racist, but loving (ironically) household, I was very tolerant and accepting. I valued more few and good friendships than many. And I didn't like having fake people in my life, and couldn't stand it when someone deliberately lied to my face.I attended GreenPeace protests, despite unwillingness from my dad to drive me, and I was obsessed with the idea, and I still believe today, that if I haven't touched someone's life, helped someone, or made a difference in the world even to one person, or one animal my existence was a waste.

There are so many other things, I think that I can mention. Another is that, I tended to dwell more in my imagination than in reality. And I never did this consciously. I was very clumsy growing up (and from reading in some places, I saw it might be because as INFJ's we tend to get lost in our mind, and kind of forget our surroundings and reality). and I still can think for such long periods in time, just about alternate realities, or possibilities that I find so intriguing.
Haha so yea, this was my experience as an INFJ. So much more to say, but this was the gist of it.