I keep reading articles all over the Internet saying that INFJs are known for being outsiders and not fitting into society. However, I can't figure out why. I believe I accurately match the type description, but I don't understand how any of the qualities in the description could make me not fit in. So, using the basic description, could someone please post exact reasons why we don't fit in to society, provide concrete examples involving real-world situations to better explain each reason, and provide some solutions for what we can do to the long better. I am tired of reading these doom and gloom articles that only give a pronouncement with no reasons and no solutions. I do believe the pronouncement is true, but I can't understand why.
Another example is of one of my best friends. I never knew she was an INFJ, all along I had been with her, and only when she did the personality test it was kind of this "Shit, that's why we get each other so well". So, growing up she was extremely shy. But I admired her so much, because I remember her sitting alone at breaks (before I joined her) and she was just so brave, to be herself. She didn't mind sitting alone and eating, because she kind of knew she "didn't" fit anywhere and didn't want to force it. And, she was too introverted to go out in search of friends. She was usually really quiet, and kind of mystic, but she always stuck up for her opinion. And she was so empathetic and understanding.
Using her as an example, I think she also realized she was very different from everyone else (being INFJ) and because we INFJ's are like 1-2 % of the population, it's more difficult for people to relate to us exactly, as we feel we might relate to them. But she wasn't afraid of sitting alone or doing things, that people at that age (we were quite young) might have perceived as her "being a loner" and "being boring". She didn't really fit into society, and still today, both of us really don't. But when we're with each other (and our close friends) we find we can be open, and belong somewhere (even though it is so hard and sometimes very fleeting this feeling of 'belonging'). Hope this helped