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I will definately support arguments around there being biological differences between men and women and that these biological differences wil have implications for behaviour
Trying to pick apart this particular behavioural pattern might be beyond me
Personally i think this might actually be one of those areas where there are other things at play and that biology is less of a restriction on this issue
For example in the age of contraception and sex for enjoyment i'm not sure the idea that women are being careful about a mate stands up entirely
There are indesputable differences for example womens ability to suckle a child or mens generally greater physical strength but is this not one of those areas where a greater degree of equality could indeed be achieved?
I see what you mean. I think we can make headway but I'm not sure if we can make the headway necessary to make it more commonplace. Just because of the subconscious level and the effects of biology on our actions and thoughts. Picking a mate that is capable and willing to take care of a child is a subconscious thought. Having sex for pleasure with the ability to use contraception is a bypass to have your sexual needs satisfied. It is different then picking a potential long term relationship. Most people don't come into relationships for the sex, unless that is their primary objective.