Permanent Fixture
- Intj
Resignation to negative situations cultivates depression.At work, I sometimes have to exchange pleasantries with people who I don't really like, e.g. because they are bad at their job in a way that makes mine more difficult or because they ask too many uncomfortable questions about my personal life.
I have learned to handle these interactions by saying a few canned kind phrases and ending the conversation. But I realized that showing this kind of false empathy is really draining. Do you have any thoughts on why this is?
It isn't difficult for me to smile and say "That's so exciting!" when someone I like shares good news. But the same exact gesture and phrase is exhausting when I don't really care for the person.
Sometimes I wish I could just sort of disassociate and play these "programmed" nice scripts without attending to the emotional authenticity aspect.
"Being nice" can be, as you note, sincere affection, or submission to threats. I presume you feel that if you dropped the pretense of interest in your workplace narcissist coworkers, you'd worry about unjust consequences.
Generally, it's more acceptable for men to be more emotionally disengaged. I never react to people's intrusive/unprofessional interactions. Occasionally, some people will persist in trying to get a reaction out of me, but eventually give up.
Perhaps you've already established a longstanding precedent of being others' social doormat, which will make it harder to extract yourself from supplying narcissists with attention, but there are some methods to cause them to leave you to do your work in peace. "Grey rock method" might be worth looking into:

Grey rock method: What it is and how to use it effectively
The grey rock method involves becoming unresponsive to abusive or manipulative behavior so that the perpetrator will lose interest.