Working Until You Die

When an employer wants to put apps on your phone, say no problem and show them your phone.


Icing on the cake is that one has to earn around $150-200k a year just to be middle class worse still you might not be able to afford a home in some cities on that income.

I've read articles recently about how families of four are no longer middle class at that salary.
I am ready when these systems finally collapse and while it will be difficult for a while at least I'll finally rest after the past few years with my horribly exhausting grind. I am absolutely done with this dumb game the older generations handed us that only served the rich and corrupt government.

I’ve always been a recalcitrant homebody.

Stephanie is opposite, because she goes out for stimulation.

We balance.

Inasmuch as we are both cuddlesluts, with the right blanket, snacks, and coffee, Sundays can be spent glomming in a heap or clump.

World Is Trash,
I am ready when these systems finally collapse and while it will be difficult for a while at least I'll finally rest after the past few years with my horribly exhausting grind. I am absolutely done with this dumb game the older generations handed us that only served the rich and corrupt government.

It's probably sooner than we expect. My fear is that the collateral damage would be too much. Here's to hoping our families get spared from the fallout but that's also being a selfish survivalist.