Working Until You Die | Page 11 | INFJ Forum

Working Until You Die

Pepperidge Farm remembers.

Thought it couldn't get worse at work but nope came in and immediately find out that we're getting screwed again mainly that we are being short changed people wise so there will be fewer people than we had to start with this past year. The cherry on top for me is that in a few weeks I'll be doing what should be done two people minimum on my shift as per SOP never mind chipped in on three other shifts so they've (upper management) has fucked around they'll soon be finding out how quickly things can go to shit.

Oh by the way I found two leaks in the sprinkler system last week that could if not fixed could end up flooding half the building someday but oh well penny wise dollar stupid to the cost of a couple hundred grand.
God I HATE corporate sociopaths as I an another guy had to crunch what normally would take two sometimes three days to do properly in just one night last night and I am so done with working in this country.
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Called out tonight and calling out tomorrow even though I feel sorry for the other guy but I am just so burnt out. As for the corporate shit eaters (manglement) that have been fucking us over for the past two weeks can go fuck themselves.
It's honestly super rare to see someone who is so passionate about their vocation, that they will work at it until the day they die. Because let's be real, usually the jobs that the people would love to do and wouldn't mind doing it until a very old age or death, are jobs that are disrespected by the 1%: the arts, the music, fiction writing, running a flower or coffee shop, teaching, librarian, social worker or some type of therapist to help the down trodden folks.

If these jobs could be paid much better, and the housing/rental crises cease to exist, retirement would be seen as something you do because you literally can't move or use your head much anymore and not because you hate your job that you've been at since age 25 and would rather see your boss getting burned alive than to go to the office one more time.