Would you kill a puppy for $1000000?

Not necessarily though. I would NEVER kill a human, unless I hated them, for any amount of money. And even so, the reason I would kill them, would be due to the hatred, not the money. But it's a dog, that will most likely run in front of a mack truck one day.
Well, you and I see things different. Despite the fact that I would never harm a human being for my own gain, I do not see humanity as the pinacle of all living things.

"Not necessarily" what??? You said you'd never kill a human being, but you'd kill someone if you hated them. LOL. Ok ok.. Maybe it's more like this:

You either see yourself as more important than other living things or you don't, O exalted one..
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I'm not saying it wouldn't be difficult, but it's easily doable. Just think of the money.

For all those thinking "how cruel." it's not. It's a dog. As cute as it is, it could never accomplish as much as a) a real human could, or b) a million dollars could. All dogs are are codependent beings who make us happy, and demand we tend to their every need.

Also needless to say, I'm a cat person. :)

I'm not saying it wouldn't be difficult, but it's easily doable. Just think of the money.

For all those thinking "how cruel." it's not. It's a dog. As cute as it is, it could never accomplish as much as a) a real human could, or b) a million dollars could. All dogs are are codependent beings who make us happy, and demand we tend to their every need.

Also needless to say, I'm a cat person. :)

what if that puppy was gonna grow up to be a seeing eye dog?
what if that puppy was gonna grow up to be a seeing eye dog?

What if it didn't? What if it grew up and mauled a baby in the face?

Well, you and I see things different. While I would never harm a human being for my own gain or emotional outburst, I do not see humanity as the pinacle of all living things.

"Not necessarily" what??? You said you'd never kill a human being, but you'd kill someone if you hated them. LOL. Ok ok.. Maybe it's more like this:

You either see yourself as more important than other living things or you don't.
It seems you find yourself as the most important thing/being in existence.

That's a ridiculous extrapolation. Utterly ridiculous. What I said, which was short and to the point, with very little room for misinterpretation:

I would not kill someone for money.
I would kill them however, if I hated them enough. Money is irrelevant.
I would kill an animal for money. If it was a lot, and there was a decent reason.
I would kill an animal, if I hated it enough.

And Human beings are the pinnacle of the existence, no I don't give a shit that cockroaches can live for 200 years and survive nuclear radiation. Nor do I care that some stupid monkey in the amazon has skin cells that cure cancer.

Humans are capable of so much more, than any animal could ever come close to.
Yes, and then I would dress it and make a fine stew. It is shameful to waste food.

I like dogs. I think puppies are super cute. But finding an animal super cute has never stopped me from eating it or its young.

It's a man eat dog world. Veal anyone?
I agree that humanity has abilities beyond that of animals, but that doesn't mean that the animals are valueless. Just because they have a different purpose—just because they can't build computers or philosophize—doesn't mean they don't matter. All of this, "Well, maybe they'd have a more horrible death later" stuff is just an excuse, honestly. Either you are willing to cross the line of committing a wrong action for personal gain or you are not. Me, I'm not going to kill an innocent creature for monetary gain. It's as simple as that.
What if it didn't? What if it grew up and mauled a baby in the face?

That's a ridiculous extrapolation. Utterly ridiculous. What I said, which was short and to the point, with very little room for misinterpretation:

I would not kill someone for money.
I would kill them however, if I hated them enough. Money is irrelevant.
I would kill an animal for money. If it was a lot, and there was a decent reason.
I would kill an animal, if I hated it enough.

And Human beings are the pinnacle of the existence, no I don't give a shit that cockroaches can live for 200 years and survive nuclear radiation. Nor do I care that some stupid monkey in the amazon has skin cells that cure cancer.

Humans are capable of so much more, than any animal could ever come close to.

such gusto!

"human beings are the pinnacle of the existence"

It all depends. My family use to bread dogs and I have had to help kill two puppies who where born deformed. They would have died slowly overtime because the deformities where too serious but still that was difficult. You don't ever want to give up on life like that but they wouldn't have survived anyways. So I think for 1,000,000 I could kill a puppy. I wouldn't feel good about it but $1,000,000 could solve a lot of problems. Even though the purpose of this is that you can't put the money to charity but with $1,000,000 I would be able to pursue some higher purpose without the hindrance of money. So it all depends on what can be gained from the $1,000,000, either in material gains or moral gains.
Why? If only speaking of difficulty.

Just curb stomp a puppy with soccer cleats, and voila it's done. But a human... They can fight back... o.O

Realistically speaking, dogs are pretty much the largest creatures humans can take on and win 50% of the time. Dogs, assuming they are small sized, actually can fight back quite well.

I'm actually quite indifferent. I don't believe I would particularly scarred if I killed the dog and gained money unless it was in a rather drawn out and painful way for the dog. I also wouldn't use captain hindsight's ability to try and justify why someone shouldn't try to kill the dog if they are looking to gain the money. Realistically speaking, killing one dog would net you an ton of money that you could use to save tons of dogs.

That being said, I don't quite understand how someone could kill an human but not an animal. It seems...wrong. I get it, I just don't quite understand why it's acceptable.
Realistically speaking, dogs are pretty much the largest creatures humans can take on and win 50% of the time. Dogs, assuming they are small sized, actually can fight back quite well.

I'm actually quite indifferent. I don't believe I would particularly scarred if I killed the dog and gained money unless it was in a rather drawn out and painful way for the dog. I also wouldn't use captain hindsight's ability to try and justify why someone shouldn't try to kill the dog if they are looking to gain the money. Realistically speaking, killing one dog would net you an ton of money that you could use to save tons of dogs.

That being said, I don't quite understand how someone could kill an human but not an animal. It seems...wrong. I get it, I just don't quite understand why it's acceptable.

Because I see animals as something in my way, a machine, with an upgraded personality core in its processor, but a machine nevertheless.

Humans however, are different. But I'm not about to waste my time listing the 50 billion things that make us different.
realistically speaking yeah i probably would as bad as it sounds, at least i think i could. id justify it through donating half to the spca. from where im standing the dogs death would equate to helping the other unfortunates of its species, which under other circumstances probably could never happen, it can almost be seen as an opportunity though unfortunately i'd never know if the dog would willingly choose it or not which would be the question that weighed on my mind.
Because I see animals as something in my way, a machine, with an upgraded personality core in its processor, but a machine nevertheless.

Humans however, are different. But I'm not about to waste my time listing the 50 billion things that make us different.

you see animals as something in your way?

how you justify this view to yourself is quite sad

it is going to take some time, but I believe you can be rehabilitated

if you would only choose to do so

come to the light


for the sake of argument

consider human vs dolphin

one naked animal next to another

how can you judge one to be better?
you see animals as something in your way?

how you justify this view to yourself is quite sad

it is going to take some time, but I believe you can be rehabilitated

if you would only choose to do so

come to the light


for the sake of argument

consider human vs dolphin

one naked animal next to another

how can you judge one to be better?

How can you not?
Would you agree to hiring someone else to kill the puppy for you? It would increase the psychological distance between you and the animal.

That's a good question. Not sure, but it's a possibility.

And Human beings are the pinnacle of the existence, no I don't give a shit that cockroaches can live for 200 years and survive nuclear radiation. Nor do I care that some stupid monkey in the amazon has skin cells that cure cancer.

Oh yeah? Just you wait.
