Would you kill a puppy for $1000000?

I wouldn't kill any animal (I'm a vegetarian) or anyone for money.
It conflicts with my values on life.

I would rather earn that money through hard work and doing what I enjoy doing (which is not killing).
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Stares dumbfoundly at the crowd... Are you out of your mind???

You should realize that a million dollars is the amount of money that most of you will never have in your entire life. For an average person it takes 15 years to earn it!!! And that's only if he doesn't eat, doesn't travel and doesn't buy anything at all. Even if he puts half of income into savings (most people barely manage 10%) it will take 30 years to get a million.

Will I kill a single puppy to get 30 years of my life back? Hell yeah!!! I can kill a hundred or even a thousand. Eventually I wouldn't go for less than 100$ a puppy a think...

What kind of sick thread is this!?!?!

I do not appreciate humour like this.
you didn't put much thought into this

I put plenty of thought into it, you however haven't really.

I'm not trying to be an ass people, but don't treat me like a serial killer, for actually admitting I'd kill a dog? When there are millions of them.
I put plenty of thought into it, you however haven't really.

I'm not trying to be an ass people, but don't treat me like a serial killer, for actually admitting I'd kill a dog? When there are millions of them.

your stated position is:

animals are like machines
animals are annoying stupid things that get in the way of us magnificent human beings


I'm just wondering how you can live with that mindset

I asked how you would judge between a human and a dolphin, which one is the superior animal

the question is ridiculous

and I think you missed the point

do your homework
your stated position is:

animals are like machines
animals are annoying stupid things that get in the way of us magnificent human beings


I'm just wondering how you can live with that mindset

I asked how you would judge between a human and a dolphin, which one is the superior animal

the question is ridiculous

and I think you missed the point

do your homework

Uh... >_<
I can imagine myself easier killing a human instead (but not a kid), for ex. the one one gave me this offer... But that depends on the subject. Killing something that has just born, and/or hasn't done anything wrong is just too much for me. ^^;;
But yeah, anyway, I can understand those ppl who can kill a human easier.. Hell, there are more humans than dogs in this world... >.> And humans are imo more disgusting for me. ( Sad but true. :( )

it is your homework.

you do it.

No, you missed the point.

Oh wait, unless the point was, that there is no point to this entire argument. No one would ever be offered to kill a puppy for a million dollars; and I think the majority of you would close your eyes as you stomped out the trachea of the dog. People would kill for much much MUCH less.

Myself, clearly, I have disregarded your argument. Seeing as when I attempted to offer my view on the situation, I was instantly regarded as a troll, if not by words directly, for only saying what I am. Clearly if you are unable to come to terms with yourself, I can't expect you to come to terms with this situation. Good luck.
Descartes also believed animals were machines.
I find it an interesting perspective to be honest.

I like how Urtehnoes is being honest about this.
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I asked how you would judge between a human and a dolphin, which one is the superior animal

well from a naturalist stand point: Survival of the fittest, I'm pretty sure humans are winning in this category

From a Theistic stand point: God says so

From a pragmatic stand point: I have a M16, and the dolphin doesn't.
well from a naturalist stand point: Survival of the fittest, I'm pretty sure humans are winning in this category

From a Theistic stand point: God says so

From a pragmatic stand point: I have a M16, and the dolphin doesn't.

But you didn't naturally come with an M16 as part of you, how about you versus an elephant? not only does an elephant come with tusks as standard it also boasts superior memory and size.
Taking aways tools is ridiculous, it's our ability to adapt our environments and make tools that has put us at the top.
Taking aways tools is ridiculous, it's our ability to adapt our environments and make tools that has put us at the top.

That is true but can you create an M16 with ammunition regardless of the environment you are put in? Highly doubtful, it's more likely that you may be able to fashion a rudermentry spear which wouldn't quite give you the upper hand over an elephant in comparison to an M16 though don't get me wrong, if you did indeed possess such an ability, would you be able to create such a tool quickly enough to combat a raging elephant at 50 paces?
well from a naturalist stand point: Survival of the fittest, I'm pretty sure humans are winning in this category
If we put a human in a alt.universe where are no infrastructure/supermarkets/etc. ,then i doubt which one of them would survive further in a completely NATURAL environment. :D

Animals - Machines comparison is quite interesting. I have learned ethology for a while, and perhaps I'm looking almost the same way at them sometimes, and because of this I don't feel any grudge if they kill each other or others cubs. (Because they have their ground, and these grounds are better then the ones we humans have. Money, eh? ) But there are still differences. My comp wont feel pain if i crush it, and even animals have emotions/feelings, they are much more like humans than machines.

If we want to check which one is the better int the "Survival of the fittest" game, then of course we have to take away those "tools". Todays humanity has not much to do with anything natural to begin with.
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That is true but can you create an M16 with ammunition regardless of the environment you are put in? Highly doubtful, it's more likely that you may be able to fashion a rudermentry spear which wouldn't quite give you the upper hand over an elephant in comparison to an M16 though don't get me wrong, if you did indeed possess such an ability, would you be able to create such a tool quickly enough to combat a raging elephant at 50 paces?

The advantage of foresight, always be prepared. Even then, a rudimentary spear throwing device would be sufficient and capable, hell a bow in arrow is good enough if you have the skill necessary to take down large game.

Human history didn't start at WWI, we've taking down creatures larger and stronger then ourselves for our entire history(also using the good sense to run when necessary).