Would you kill a puppy for $1000000?

If I weren't thinking about the person who made the offer, I might consider it. But if the person making the offer were standing there, and I started to consider their motivations, I might turn on them.
I believe there's a puppy at my door.
I believe there's a puppy at my door.

Could you kill a puppy in a life or death situation for your family to survive? Survival may change what one might do.

Could you kill a puppy if it was about to die and suffering?

Maybe this puppy has found a home. Could you kill it and face the wrath of the owner that sleeps with it?

Could you leave your own dog on a roof during an airlift after a hurricane? I would not. Take the dog or leave me with him.

It wasn't a puppy; it was an armadillo at the door.
This entity offering money to kill a puppy... I don't think they want the puppy dead. They think they have control over the actions of others, and they might. But not I. I don't appreciate being coerced, manipulated, or otherwise disrespected, and I certainly don't appreciate the blatant disrespect towards life itself. I find such hubris revolting, and can only hope my refusal to submit will humiliate them, before their actions escalate beyond atonement.
Humans are just a specie like another.
They're in no way superior.

Yes, but any arguments advanced for benefit of the environment or animal rights are hard to have effectively motivate people without appealing to humanity as the ends.
I don't know. Part of me says, "it's just a puppy" and the other part says, "it's a puppy!" I'm really not sure whether I could do it or not.
I don't know. Part of me says, "it's just a puppy" and the other part says, "it's a puppy!" I'm really not sure whether I could do it or not.

I had a conversation like that with a friend of mine, he said it was just 35$, I said it was 35$!!
Humans are just a specie like another.
They're in no way superior.

This view of the human race makes no sense. Nor is it the fact that you speak of us in the third person.
Gosh, this thread is disgusting.

Comparing animals to machines? They are living beings for God's sake. They feel just the way we do. But I see we are getting all cold and scientific here, so I am going to jump in that bandwagon. What makes you any different than that animal, specially since we have evolved from many of this creatures ourselves. We share so many similar characteristics it does not mean we are any more valuable or more "different", just wait until the next species arises or till an atomic bomb falls and all you see is roaches, so I am guessing roaches are superior in that sense?. Animals are not things we just program they come with innate intelligence and qualities that may not match our own but are nevertheless valuable and hold a purpose in this world. I am not saying that perhaps the consumption of meat is wrong(though I heavily question it due to the possible alternatives), but killing for such selfish purposes just to fit your wants(note wants not needs) is purely inhumane and unnecessary. I once read a story by Mark Twain, it was about how we call other animals irrational when in reality we don't notice our own irrational way of thinking. Most animals do not kill for pleasure, humans do. Most animals do not fight over silly things like religious background and learn to adapt, we don't. Most animals consume only the amount of food they truly need, we don't. It all seems to me that us humans can be seen as less valuable than some of this animals you claim to be "superior" to.
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Honestly, 1mil would solve a lot of financial problems I would have in the future, and would reduce a LOT of stress that I would have from it. Because of that, I would be sorely tempted to kill a puppy assuming I could do it any way I wanted to, so that way it would be quick and painless.

However, my morals would greatly resist me from doing this, and I would be a sobbing mess the entire time. I likely would not be able to make a decision doing this unless I was directly presented with the opertunity.
that's a lot of money for one puppy.
which would lead me to ask who and why.
This view of the human race makes no sense. Nor is it the fact that you speak of us in the third person.
Oh woops, that was a typo.
We're* happy? ;)

And this view does make sense, or at least for me.
Do you have any real reason why we would be superior?
Nothing religious please, your argument of humans having souls is useless for people who don't believe in it.
I would not. I don't really want that much money all at once, and I don't want to kill a puppy.
Gosh, this thread is disgusting.

I mean.... ok.
Comparing animals to machines? They are living beings for God's sake. They feel just the way we do. But I see we are getting all cold and scientific here, so I am going to jump in that bandwagon. What makes you any different than that animal, specially since we have evolved from many of this creatures ourselves. We share so many similar characteristics it does not mean we are any more valuable or more "different", just wait until the next species arises or till an atomic bomb falls and all you see is roaches, so I am guessing roaches are superior in that sense?

No offence, I already stated that the whole "omg cockroaches can survive radiation, and fit into a crack the side of a dime they are superior." I see it as this way, Humans can comprehend, what the smartest animal could never. We have arisen from just one of the species, to the supreme ruling species of all the species of the world. Also from my religious standpoint, we have been appointed the earthly rulers of this planet.

Animals are not things we just program they come with innate intelligence and qualities that may not match our own but are nevertheless valuable and hold a purpose in this world.

I not said they necessarily didn't have value. I'm saying the value comes to a stop at some point.

I am not saying that perhaps the consumption of meat is wrong(though I heavily question it due to the possible alternatives), but killing for such selfish purposes just to fit your wants(note wants not needs) is purely inhumane and unnecessary.

Maybe unnecessary, I would agree with that, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't kill them for my needs.

I once read a story by Mark Twain, it was about how we call other animals irrational when in reality we don't notice our own irrational way of thinking. Most animals do not kill for pleasure, humans do.

Some animals do.

Most animals do not fight over silly things like religious background and learn to adapt, we don't. Most animals consume only the amount of food they truly need, we don't.

I remember that story, I had to read it once. I don't see the correlation.

It all seems to me that us humans can be seen as less valuable than some of this animals you claim to be "superior" to.

How does that all add up? Beavers destroy their wooded environments, most predators hunt out out all of the weaker beings. Lions jump on the sick baby gazelles in the bottom of the pack. We find wild animals that would normal have died, and made them better. We have brought more good to the world, than any animal is ever capable of doing. And that is the point, Animals never contribute anything to this world, they just exist. Sure, they may do actions that change the course of the world, but it's not conscious. Most of them are dumb as bricks.

But again, don't take my posts the wrong way please. I'm not pro animal cruelty. But one life over a million dollars? I think half of you would take it.
Oh woops, that was a typo.
We're* happy? ;)

And this view does make sense, or at least for me.
Do you have any real reason why we would be superior?
Nothing religious please, your argument of humans having souls is useless for people who don't believe in it.

So? I mean. Deal with it. People are going to believe different things.

Lol I've gotten so many bad reps from this thread. It's ridiculous.
So? I mean. Deal with it. People are going to believe different things.

Lol I've gotten so many bad reps from this thread. It's ridiculous.

I'm not bashing your beliefs.
Simply asking why do you think humans are superior, because I honestly can't see why.
We're not the most common. We're not the most intelligent (because that's hard to measure). We're not the strongest. Etc