Would you kill a puppy for $1000000?

Humans are on the top of the chain. There are micro-organisms of many sorts that will put us in our place every now and then, but the human is the most feared. We invent and manufacture too many toys not to be in charge.
We invent medicines to cure diseases.....most of the time. We may not be the most intelligent at times, but have the most abilities to stay in the forefront of the other species.

Too many of us have puppy love to denounce them online.

Such intelligence that we created weapons like the atomic bomb that could potentially destroy our kind. Animals on the other hand do not need to worry about that, they just keep on living and adapting. Tell that to the dinosaurs, weren't they on top a few years ago? I don't think its very fair that we are so arrogant about being on the top, considering mother nature or the universe can easily change that.
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You have the right to think that way, as I have the right to disagree. I have already found myself to not see eye to eye with many here regarding many things. In my opinion, the earth is ours to subdue until the time comes for it to be wrested from our grip.

In the meantime, I will help best I can. Disease attacks many more than just humans. There would be many more extinct had we not learned from the past. Good evening.
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The only way I'd be able to justify it would be if I could do a much greater good with that money, and even then the guilt of it would still weigh heavily on my mind. If I could only use the money selfishly, I don't think I could.
Money doesn't buy happiness, but I'm quite sure killing a puppy for money is a surefire purchase in the other direction.

On the wisdom of humans and our self-destructive capabilities, I feel like if it wasn't us it would be some other animal. If frogs gained the brainpower to do what we could, they would still do what they could to survive. They would just make use of the new tools available to them. Without arguing from a right-or-wrong basis, I feel it's inevitable that any good use of major technological discovery has a flip side, and vice versa.
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Such intelligence that we created weapons like the atomic bomb that could potentially destroy our kind. Animals on the other hand do not need to worry about that, they just keep on living and adapting. Tell that to the dinosaurs, weren't they on top a few years ago? I don't think its very fair that we are so arrogant about being on the top, considering mother nature or the universe can easily change that.

But see that's an opinion though, I don't think we will ever "not" be on top.
This question is asked in every forum, might as well put it in this one too.

A cute adorable and nice little puppy.

You could kill it and get $1000000.

You could only use that money for yourself (or friends and stuff). What I mean is that you can't kill the puppy and give all the money to a foundation to save puppies or something. You could only buy yourself a iPod and go with your friends in a trip, ect.

Would you? And do you think it's right to do?

Why would someone offer a million dollar bounty on a puppy unless it was carrying ebola or some virus of the undead?
I think this thread has become out of control.
so hypothetically, because i am somewhat confused, are we saying that "i have all the power, and the fact of possessing this power therefore justifies my abuse of it"?

EDIT, "...possessing this power therefore justifies my use of it for my own gain to the detriment of others"
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You have the right to think that way, as I have the right to disagree. I have already found myself to not see eye to eye with many here regarding many things. In my opinion, the earth is ours to subdue until the time comes for it to be wrested from our grip.

In the meantime, I will help best I can. Disease attacks many more than just humans. There would be many more extinct had we not learned from the past. Good evening.

Problem with this notion is that we're not yet ready to subdue the earth; we don't know how to do it properly. Oh, we CAN and ARE, but in such a way that means our own end; thus, we should not. It's called 'living within our means' and we're fatally unwise in this regard.
so hypothetically, because i am somewhat confused, are we saying that "i have all the power, and the fact of possessing this power therefore justifies my abuse of it"?

I would disagree, but frankly it wouldn't matter.
I would disagree, but frankly it wouldn't matter.

ie. "right and wrong don't matter so i can do whatever i want"?

or "in most situations humans will be unable to control their selfishness and will succumb to the lure of the gains promised in the abuse of power"?

or some other position?
oh sorry misunderstood. it won't matter because i won't listen. gotcha. sorry again for my earlier unhelpful and dismissive remarks and sarcasm on this thread.
I am so tempted to just say "yes" without providing justification for it just to see the horrified responses.
if i were there and offered to kill it for the money i would refuse but i think that in the context of my life and world inequalities this would be a practically meaningless gesture and splitting hairs and for all the damage i do by my lifestyle i might as well kill it. after all i have eaten thousands of animals before and their deaths were providing me with a lot less than what a million dollars could buy for me. but that is kind of dangerous to start thinking like this because you can lose the sense that these things do matter.
This question is asked in every forum, might as well put it in this one too.

A cute adorable and nice little puppy.

You could kill it and get $1000000.

You could only use that money for yourself (or friends and stuff). What I mean is that you can't kill the puppy and give all the money to a foundation to save puppies or something. You could only buy yourself a iPod and go with your friends in a trip, ect.

Would you? And do you think it's right to do?

Not sure I could live with that on my conscience. So I have to answer no.

My heart still aches from having to give up a dog to the Humane Society for adoption 15 years ago after a divorce, and I began working 2 full time jobs.
I could no longer give him the attention he deserved.
I know I did the right thing, but feel I betrayed him.
I know I did the right thing, but feel I betrayed him.

I hope he found a new home; I don't want to just assume. Still, leaving a dog alone is torturous for the poor thing, so you did the best thing you could do.
i have sometimes wondered that we are the creators of meaning and if i decide that it is meaningful to make decisions to do less harm to other beings then it is meaningful. if i decide not to kill the puppy then it is one less harmful thing that i could have done and that is meaningful to me and worthwhile. especially when things are not black and white. is this meaningful or is it nonsense?