Would you kill a puppy for $1000000?

I'm not bashing your beliefs.
Simply asking why do you think humans are superior, because I honestly can't see why.
We're not the most common. We're not the most intelligent (because that's hard to measure). We're not the strongest.


I understand, I misinterpreted your previous post, my apologies.

I'm sick and tired of being the flipping one on any of my forums I ever go to holding the only damn beliefs. Anyone who believes the same refuses to state it.

So I'm just not going to answer that, because I already have. If you don't understand, that's ok. We'll leave it at that. It was a fucking hypothetical question, that will NEVER come into play. Shit.

I understand, I misinterpreted your previous post, my apologies.

I'm sick and tired of being the flipping one on any of my forums I ever go to holding the only damn beliefs. Anyone who believes the same refuses to state it.

So I'm just not going to answer that, because I already have. If you don't understand, that's ok. We'll leave it at that. It was a fucking hypothetical question, that will NEVER come into play. Shit.

That's the point. We're not.
Yes, we created lots of stuff, discovered stuff, can think in a different way, argue about hypothetical situations on a forum about personality types, have countries and cities, ect.
That doesn't make us on the top.
We physically suck, that's why we created cars and weapons to get strongers. Face an angry lion unarmed and we'll see how that goes :)
And ants have an as complex "city" underground. The difference between them and us is that they're intelligent as whole, not individually.
We kill each other for fun. How intelligent. Hey, we even kill other living thingies for fun. How just plain awesome :)

Maybe you're the only one holding your beliefs. Then defend them instead of refusing to respond because it's against your beliefs or whatever.
Yes, it's hypothetical. You still can answer. And you can take a deep breath and calm down too :)
That's the point. We're not.
Yes, we created lots of stuff, discovered stuff, can think in a different way, argue about hypothetical situations on a forum about personality types, have countries and cities, ect.
That doesn't make us on the top.
We physically suck, that's why we created cars and weapons to get strongers. Face an angry lion unarmed and we'll see how that goes :)
And ants have an as complex "city" underground. The difference between them and us is that they're intelligent as whole, not individually.
We kill each other for fun. How intelligent. Hey, we even kill other living thingies for fun. How just plain awesome :)

Maybe you're the only one holding your beliefs. Then defend them instead of refusing to respond because it's against your beliefs or whatever.
Yes, it's hypothetical. You still can answer. And you can take a deep breath and calm down too :)

I did answer. I did defend. I won't be played with.

I'm not going to answer again. Scroll up if need be. And no, this is ridiculous. I simply posted a belief, a completely hypothetical belief, and here I am, being freaking crucified by the Pharisees.
I would honestly rather be poor than to have the memory of doing something like that plaguing my consciousness for the rest of my life.

That said...

The human race as a whole hurts and abuses animals all the time to benefit itself. Maybe not directly, but by being a part of a society that uses animals for it's own convenience, beauty products, food and amusement (pet stores anyone? horse racing?). Tests are run on them to make sure products are safe for humans to use. They are more often than not kept in awful conditions in factory farms, having to regularly be pumped full of antibiotics because of constant infection and disease due to unhealthy living conditions. Many also are pumped full of growth hormones so they can produce more to meet our greedy demands and make the company holders more money... Not to mention an innumerable amount of other things mostly in the name of tradition.

Whether people want to admit it or not, they are a part of these things, even as hard as some of us try to be aware and not participate where we can.

Is a puppy so different than the young lamb who gets slaughtered for Christmas dinner? A million dollars is worth a lot more to a person (probably multiple people, depending on how generous the recipient is) than a single fancy Christmas dinner. One is killed for you TO consume, the other is killed so you CAN consume.

Nearly every freedom and consumer pleasure we currently enjoy is bathed in someones/some creatures blood.

Is this an excuse to knowingly add yet another atrocity to the pile? No. Just food for thought.

Here is another question, how many of you would take an offering of a decent sum of money from someone who got it from killing a puppy? You didn't kill the puppy yourself, it's already dead, nothing can be done. But you would still be in a sense, supporting the act that brought the money to you by taking it. I tend to think, truthfully, most people would take the money. Especially in this scenario when they did not have to take any direct blame or responsibility.
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At risk of starting this whole thing over again -

I'm perfectly fine with animal testing make up. However, I am very anti mass producing hormone ridden animals. I buy organic whenever I can afford it.
1. Yes, I would. Much worse is routinely done for much less, and if you are not vegetarian (probably a vegan) and a modest contributor to global charity, then you are a contributor to significantly worse suffering of even more animals (including humans). Actually, the way things are set up in the U.S., you contribute even if you are vegan by virtue of the tax system subsidizing CFOs.

these are my feelings exactly! in this messed up world it is impossible not to screw someone over by being alive, so it is meaningless to even try to minimise the damage. i believe in my heart of hearts that it is correct to do harm whenever and wherever it is most convenient to me, because everyone else out there is doing harm, and who's stopping them? i could use the money and after all, fuck it!!

And then we'll circumcise them! Yea!

i think that is kind of bizarre and fetishistic to cut up their penises after they're dead. i think i might as well get a bit of healthy rape on the side if i'm killing something for cash, but this postmortem dissection ritual seems like a little bit extreme and um sick to me. but whatever floats your boat! as a rapist and contract killer, who am i to disagree?
I think the question: How would you kill a puppy? more pertinent in my case. We can settle my compensation later on - it isn't that important.


Kitchen appliances, or garden equipment.... hmmmm, how to choose.
Its like putting your foot in it time in again and again.

And no I wouldn't, there would be karma somewhere.
This is a hypothetical but as a hypothetical that is asked on an NF forum you are going to see emotions spill over this topic, if you want emotional detachment talk like that on an NT forum. There is energy in what we say and how we say it.
I understand this impulse, but it's a contradiction of the conditions of the original question.
AH, yeah. Well, that doesn't change my capability at worst. :| Willingness, probably questioned.

And I do wonder why does this topic suddenly become so heated to prove one side is wrong while the other's right.
actually i have reconsidered. i apologise for the things i said and my unhelpful sarcasm. it is true. my coffee is made by slaves and my clothes are made in sweatshops. it is honest and good that i should kill the puppy. it would be hypocritical not to kill puppy as i use the misfortunes of others to get me through my every day.
Yea. Won't voice my opinion again.

Good grief, for a forum full of supposed INFJs, this is bizarre.

Please forgive us if we sounded overly critical over your opinion,it was not my intention at least. I just got overly passionate about a cause I really care about. INFJ's tend to be quite moralistic and when your hurt others in any way of form, defensive responds can be expected.
Please forgive us if we sounded overly critical over your opinion,it was not my intention at least. I just got overly passionate about a cause I really care about. INFJ's tend to be quite moralistic and when your hurt others in any way of form, defensive responds can be expected.

No I understand, and I do apologize that I came across as so harsh. I wasn't really taking this topic too seriously in the first couple pages, and wasn't aware other people were. And then I got caught off guard, because I was just having a discussion about essentially how far would you go for an animal. And then I got all these remarks like "you disgust me" and I'm like... But I would never harm an animal ever. I mean, I'm not saying I would want or anything, but for a million dollars, I could accomplish so much, I'd shut my eyes and do it as fast as I could.

I understand, I misinterpreted your previous post, my apologies.

I'm sick and tired of being the flipping one on any of my forums I ever go to holding the only damn beliefs. Anyone who believes the same refuses to state it.

So I'm just not going to answer that, because I already have. If you don't understand, that's ok. We'll leave it at that. It was a fucking hypothetical question, that will NEVER come into play. Shit.

Are we really though? I don't think we're "on top." I think we'll eventually run ourselves into extinction unless we start co-existing with other living things and respecting life and the environement.. instead of conquering and essentially, destroying just because we can.

I love that Raccoon Love paraphrased Mark Twain:
I once read a story by Mark Twain, it was about how we call other animals irrational when in reality we don't notice our own irrational way of thinking. Most animals do not kill for pleasure, humans do. Most animals do not fight over silly things like religious background and learn to adapt, we don't. Most animals consume only the amount of food they truly need, we don't.
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Humans are on the top of the chain. There are micro-organisms of many sorts that will put us in our place every now and then, but the human is the most feared. We invent and manufacture too many toys not to be in charge.
We invent medicines to cure diseases.....most of the time. We may not be the most intelligent at times, but have the most abilities to stay in the forefront of the other species.

Too many of us have puppy love to denounce them online.