Would you kill a puppy for $1000000?

i slaughter animals and wear their body parts as trophies in order to get more status and sex

Its working on at least one person.

If you even considered answering yes to this question, then you have no soul.

haha whatever, Im sure you have bought at least one leather item in your life. Then is far less than $1000000. I bet you even have leather car seats.


I love this thread.
i could not kill a puppy! it would be more easy for me to kill a human being than a puppy really xd
i could not kill a puppy! it would be more easy for me to kill a human being than a puppy really xd

Would you rather kill a baby human or a puppy?
Would you rather kill a baby human or a puppy?

i could only kill them if it was out of mercy.. it will be really hard though..

but between a human baby or a puppy it will all depend on the situation
It is unethical to kill the puppy for money because you're not gaining any goodness by doing so especially since you closed off the possibility of donating the money to charities. You are causing harm to the puppy who did nothing to you and is intrinsically valuable. You're probably doing just fine financially as well. Making the ethical choice is deciding which action would cause the most good to the most number of people.
i would never! i might be rich but i would also have guilt of what i did to that poor puppy in the back on my mind. so no, i would never do such a thing.

I'd probably kill and eat a puppy if I was starving.
This is a really good question and has made me think.

When I first saw it, i thought 'no' instantly.
Then I realised I was a hypocrite

On reflection, yes, I would kill a puppy for a million dollars. I would probably eat it, have something made out of the hide or even stuff it. I know that sounds creepy but I would do this so that I always remember that I took this creatures energy so that I can be better off in some way. I would have to look the puppy in the eye and kill it myself, and then live with it everyday from then on.

This has made me think of a lot of different things. The majority of people that are wealthy are at the expense of the life and quality of life of other humans and animals. How many times have you mindlessly had a steak, chicken, burger, pizza whatever and thought about the fact that you are eating the life of another? Is a dog better than cows and chickens? Where is the money going each time you buy this meat? Probably some rich twat that is rich at the expense of everyone else. How do you know that your clothes, shoes, bags and other crap dont come from a sweat shop? Where are your savings invested? Rather than mindlessly making rich people richer and contributing to the chaos of this consumerism we should try and be aware of all the harm our purchases may be causing.

So if essentially if I profit by taking the life of this puppy I want to be able to do it in complete self awareness and with gratitude and acknowledgment to its spirit.
The only circumstance I would not kill this puppy is if it was someone's pet.
This is probably a terrible question, but would I get to eat it?

I would do it if I could eat it.

Then I could convince myself that it had a purpose.
This is probably a terrible question, but would I get to eat it?

I would do it if I could eat it.

Then I could convince myself that it had a purpose.

You'd have to wear its leather as a shoe.