Your biggest interests when it comes to reading and learning?

But that part of me died a little when I started to date my boyfriend (I rather spend time with him than with a book or computer). We have been together almost a year now and my brain is so hungry for something new to learn about!!

Definitely do not stop what you love doing just because you entered a relationship. Always try to find some time for your own personal interests and passions.

It’s healthy and actually quite important to have some time alone time in a relationship to immerse in self-interests and continue what you enjoyed doing before you got involved in a relationship; and keep some sense of personal independence whilst still loving your partner completely and not lose your own identity. It’s also great that you always want to spend time with your partner! (I also do the same and want to always spend time with my boyfriend), but also remember to put some time aside for yourself as well! Especially if you’re an introvert and need some time for yourself to decompress. :)

Tell me about your interests and subjects that you are wildly interested in?!? (I have been reading about brains, psychology, philosophy and animals a lot in the past)

Been heavily immersed in psychology, spirituality, nature, astronomy, aliens/ UFOs, other phenomenas, medicine/nutrition, reading some philosophy and other genres, writing in my journal, sociology, outside activities such as stargazing, walking/going to the gym, cooking, and painting. Will soon try to find some time to get involved in charities and food banks now that I’m briefly on break from university. :blush:
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I'm getting dumber.

I just sit on my ass all day eating honey.

Hmmm.. lots of different historical monographs on whatever I’m into at the moment.. lately it’s been U.S. diplomatic history, and the Cold War.
I recently read The History of Western Philosophy by Bertrand Russell, which was way out of my comfort zone, but was an excellent introduction to philosophy for me..
I listen to a lot of podcasts, as well. this American life, reply all, serial, wiretap, stuff you should know.. there’s really a podcast for any topic you could possibly be interested in!
I'm getting dumber.

I just sit on my ass all day eating honey.

Hi Pin,
Any chance you've read the Tao of Pooh? Sounds like you are advancing :)

Rabbit's clever," said Pooh thoughtfully.
"Yes," said Piglet, "Rabbit's clever."
"And he has Brain."
"Yes," said Piglet, "Rabbit has Brain."
There was a long silence.
"I suppose," said Pooh, "that that's why he never understands anything.

"When you discard arrogance, complexity, and a few other things that get in the way, sooner or later you will discover that simple, childlike, and mysterious secret known to those of the Uncarved Block: Life is Fun."

"The surest way to become Tense, Awkward, and Confused is to develop a mind that tries too hard - one that thinks too much."

"Lots of people talk to animals...Not very many listen though...that's the problem."
Honestly, sounds a lot like an ENFJ I know. Most INFJ I noticed seem to already have plenty, if not too much, mental stimulation and intellectual occupations going off in their heads to begin with.

That would make me a very introverted (~97%) ENFJ ;) You gotta have something that triggers your brain to dig deeper into a subject. I quess that the lack of real quality alone time (again, totally my choice) made me loose that sparkle that makes an INFJ be naturally stimulated and have their brains spinning. Haha!

Just because your a surten type doesn't mean that you always fully fit in on the description. What if we all INFJs would be copies to eachother? Bizarre, and luckily not the case
I love football (soccer). I am fascinated by tactics but I also enjoy the excitement and passion of the fans. I've been to a few big Champions League games and it was the best time ever. I can't image a better event to go to. Related to that I also enjoy playing Football Manager. I like other sports as well. Chess, tennis, even golf. It's all very fascinating to me.

I like movies but only in cinemas. I rarely watch a movie on computer or TV. I watch TV series (my two absolute favourites are Mad Men and Breaking Bad). I watched a few animes as well but mostly to satisfy my girlfriend.

Other than that...pyschology(obviously), self growth, board games. Nothing that special or unique I'd say. I guess one unique thing is that I don't particulary like music. I hate going to concerts (especially the hipster ones where there's drugs involved) and I simply never sit down and listen to music.

Oh sorry, it was supposed to be related to reading and learing. Oh well.