Your sanctuary

Do you ever visualize your ideal life?

  • No, I dont care

  • No, I'm to caught up in my reality.

  • Yeah, Its good the fantasize.

  • Yes, I believe my intentional focus will and does become my reality.

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Ah yes, this is a good place Wy. I like it. The library reminds me of how many books I have bought with the best of intentions, that are still patiently waiting for my focus.
Inasmuch as I’d want my sweetie to be happy with it too, I’m imagining some kind of place in the city. A penthouse apartment, if you will, with a bomb kitchen, and a rooftop garden—and because we’re dreaming, a 25m lap pool, lol.

Yes Ian no limitations. Its an amazing view you have up here.
Just for fun. Consider, for this point, the possibility that we are on a flat plane and that gravity does not exist. That what we are actually experiencing with the order of how things layer and settle is more matter of density and buoyancy vs the surrounding medium.

For example:
Consider, for this point, the possibility that we are on a flat plane and that gravity does not exist. That what we are actually experiencing with the order of how things layer and settle is more matter of density and buoyancy vs the surrounding medium.

That’s exactly what we have—materials of varying density and mass layer and settle at differing levels—but none of that happens without gravitational force, regardless of the geometry of where you find yourself.

I tried, and I failed. The “just for fun” part. I was down with the flat plane, but I couldn’t reconcile mass- and density-based interactions without gravity, because gravity is a property of mass. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ FML

Dang :P,
That’s exactly what we have—materials of varying density and mass layer and settle at differing levels—but none of that happens without gravitational force, regardless of the geometry of where you find yourself.

I tried, and I failed. The “just for fun” part. I was down with the flat plane, but I couldn’t reconcile mass- and density-based interactions without gravity, because gravity is a property of mass. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ FML

Dang :p,

Will readdress Gravity.

Its not 93 million miles away, its local. See for yourself clearly towards the end. What are you actually seeing here? Are you seeing lighting off the clouds behind it? And again, clouds b-e-h-i-n-d it??
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Well, the star is that far away. The energy and photons the star released that we experience are local to us, and a few minutes delayed from when the star emitted them.

See for yourself clearly towards the end. What are you actually seeing here? Are you seeing lighting off the clouds behind it? And again, clouds b-e-h-i-n-d it??

I’m not sure what you are questioning here, or what gave you pause.

Given the relative size of the source, and the distance, the photons arrive nearly parallel. The atmosphere—including the gases, water vapor, and particulates—reflects, refracts, and filters the photons before they can strike the planetary surface.

At that time of day, the incident angle of the photons results in the penetration of greatly varying amounts of atmosphere, so the sun can appear to be both behind of, and in front of, clouds, as a result of refraction and reflection. This also results in the apparent size of the sun changing. This incident angle in combination with the atmosphere also results in sufficient filtering so as to result in band-limited light reaching the surface, which we experience as the colors associated with a temperature below ~5600°K.

Optics are fun! :)

Well, the star is that far away. The energy and photons the star released that we experience are local to us, and a few minutes delayed from when the star emitted them.

Its possible that this is the fak3 Sun that China created.

I’m not sure what you are questioning here, or what gave you pause.

Given the relative size of the source, and the distance, the photons arrive nearly parallel. The atmosphere—including the gases, water vapor, and particulates—reflects, refracts, and filters the photons before they can strike the planetary surface.

At that time of day, the incident angle of the photons results in the penetration of greatly varying amounts of atmosphere, so the sun can appear to be both behind of, and in front of, clouds, as a result of refraction and reflection. This also results in the apparent size of the sun changing. This incident angle in combination with the atmosphere also results in sufficient filtering so as to result in band-limited light reaching the surface, which we experience as the colors associated with a temperature below ~5600°K.

Optics are fun! :)


To me it looks local and among the clouds (which makes no sense).

Maybe this what we are seeing

I will be moving overseas (back to my home country) in the fall. I am going to put a fuckton of plants in my apartment. Some people have trouble keeping plants alive but for whatever reason I don't find it difficult because I tend to personify them. When I see the leaves hanging in a different way I think, oh, he's thirsty. I guess it helps that I give them all people names.

I didn't buy any plants for my current apartment because I thought it would be a more temporary arrangement than it turned out to be.
I stand in the path of my sanctuary today. What makes up the elements of a sanctuary? There are too many things that can remove one from one's sanctuary. Without inner happiness and peace, today's would be different than when I feel happy.
The puzzle isn't right. There are not enough pieces. Stop moving them around. Have we lost so many pieces? Now the toothpick house is falling. We only have two bean bags left. That is not who is supposed to be giving the test. Can't get my emails.
The TV is on, so no rest to be found. Today it's my bed.
I'd like a small cabin on the coast in a forest, with a fireplace, and just to be a bit ott, an indoor pool and spa far enough to not be visible from the cabin.
No, I don't care.

Which isn't exactly true, but closer than my other choices. I've an idea what my dream house would look like, but I don't fantasize about it, nor is it important if I never have it (it's fine as a construct in my head).
though sometimes it's in my dreams and that's neat.

Any place without too much bugs, noise, or people works okay. And preferably someplace for me to write and garden.

I will be moving overseas (back to my home country) in the fall. I am going to put a fuckton of plants in my apartment. Some people have trouble keeping plants alive but for whatever reason I don't find it difficult because I tend to personify them. When I see the leaves hanging in a different way I think, oh, he's thirsty. I guess it helps that I give them all people names.

I didn't buy any plants for my current apartment because I thought it would be a more temporary arrangement than it turned out to be.
this is almost totally how plants are for me too. It must be a plant person thing. I hope your apartment greens over nicely <3