Your values

Doing the "right thing," even if it's not what I feel like doing in the moment. In other words, the most important thing for me is to act not by my own impulse but towards some greater good.

I realize that's very ambiguous, and I'm not saying I always or often abide by this arbitrary rule.
1) Preservation of self and things important to self
2) Try not to cause unnecessary damage
Respect and understanding the value of a human life.

Persons dignity.

Freedom - but more and more I experience freedom through uncertainty. They go hand in hand and gives more choices. I am learning that if you can't make the right choices for yourself AND deal with the consequences...freedom is useless.

1.) Integrity
2.) Compassion and Empathy
3.) Forbearance
4.) CANEI (Anthony Robins word for constant and never ending improvement)
5.) Persistence
+1 to hedonism! :eyebrows:

Although I'd put it as: Live and let live.

(my "live" just happens to revolve around hedonism :dance:)