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  • Yup! I'm not so sure why I feel so exhausted all the time. I've tried consulting doctors with it but they'd try to incorporate it with something else totally unrelated (if that makes sense). I've tried the 8 hours of sleep thing too but I'm always tired lol

    How about you DTM? Are you getting enough shut eye? :)
    Yeah, honestly I think pretty much anyone has the potential to be intelligent..

    Some people may need to work harder at certain things than others, some may not.. For example, my two friends. One barely studies and managed to do great, and another has to study her butt off in order to get good grades. Even though girl #2 has to study harder, I think her hard work and effort is really admirable and practical. We're all just human. We've all got our strengths and weaknesses :)

    Haha about the retainment of information, that sounds a lot like me. I'll be able to dig up some random facts.. Though interesting, most aren't useful for my program, haha. I think I annoy my sisters with the "Did you know ______?"
    Lol the 1st quiz was more theoretical based
    2nd quiz more calculation and IM bad with details haha

    Is it really a matter of N vs S though? My BF scores as an S and he half ass things more than I do and manages.to get better grades haha

    It was pprocrastion, sleep deprivation & not giving a fukk all together hahah
    79% for this 2nd test

    I swear the worst marks you can get on a test is _9%, because it's just off by one percent

    buahah dammit I need to study harder v___v""
    I'm pretty good.))) Had my first laser hair removal session on my lower leg today. Nearly cried three times, hurt so bad. >_< But it's over, and now I'm fine.)) Most pain is tolerable in short periods.

    I'm excited, I have a meeting tonight for a non-profit organization -- kind of like a 'volunteer orientation'... I think? Honestly, I have no idea what to expect. Or how I'll be part of this organization... Guess we'll see!!))

    Hopefully it'll be a good weekend for you!)) Any plans?))
    I love calling you DTM btw, because it reminds me of "Down to F---"

    But instead, it's "Down to Meet (you)" :m035:

    Here's a kawaii ass donut~

    Buahah yes, a sex store ;). You know, as they say.. "sex sells" xD.

    I think the only people who'd buy more porn than actual groceries are those who have an unhealthy porn addiction xD DonTaushMe, from the sounds of it, I can tell you're going
    to be an awesome business woman with all of those creative yet practical ideas going on in your head =). The scary thing about businesses such as Netflix is how Blockbuster went
    down because of it~ But who knows? Perhaps in the future they'll come up with something bigger and better that will wipe Netflix just as badly as Blockbuster DD:

    That's great how your Dad has some experience so perhaps you two can work at it together :P.

    Buaha I don't know the next time I'll be able to go to the States. (And if I do, it's likely going to be Cali or Vegas~). But yes if I do end up going
    to Cali, I'll try going to the Dunkin' Donuts in L.A. It's funny because I remember seeing Dunkin Donuts allover South Korea and Thailand but I didn't try >_<

    "they'll be real happy to know it's PMS and not the devil xD" LOL!! XD Yeah girl ahh.. I remember taking an MBTI test during that "time of the month" and got ESTP
    as a result.. I was like is this my evil dark side or what lOL! You should try taking one too during PMS. The results are interesting :P
    No Business courses yet!? Well, I'm sure you're gonna do mighty well once you do take them :P

    Dayum world, watch out for DonTaushMe! Girl you got it!! xD. I remember I tried learning the stock market too but then gave up! There's a really good site I can send you that
    has "stock exchange games." They're pretty useful but damn I forgot the name of the website >__<. I'll try looking for it.

    We sooo have got to open a business of some sort together. I can do the Accounting as well to save on costs! XDD. We should do some intense and hot sex store, how fun would that be!?
    LOL =DD -hehe my bad girl side coming out-

    Nope, we don't have any Dunkin Donuts over here (Well not that I know of >.<"). **googles* Nooope I don't think so. Tim Horton's over here is pretty big (I drink it's coffee almost
    everyday) so I think that's why we don't have one over here >__<" I'd love to try it out though one day!!

    Awwwe DTM it's alright!! Since you said it's over soon =D I think the happiest day ever is when it ends, geez~~ I become pretty much a crazy biotch/sensitive crier during that
    time of the month.. And Tsskk some people are suggesting that PMS is a myth. It totally exists T___T
    Ooo Dunkin Donuts ^__^ I just recently watched a BuzzFeed video about them. They look deeeelicious <3!
    Hehe if you don't mind can you send me some too :33 !? OMG awwwe.. Omg tell me about it. That time of
    the month can really transform you from a perfectly normal human being into an eating machine. God damn hormones!~ lol

    OMG! You so should've told me that you are majoring in Business. Now, we are also business buddies heh <3 I'm totally not
    surprised.. Because you were so well versed and knowledgeable on the topic of inflation/economics.. I was like this girl has to
    have taken a business course of some sort =) LOL how about we start a business together!? <3
    oo! I forgot to ask, since you are taking an online class, are you majoring in anything specific right now!? (If you don't mind me asking..)!^^
    "The text book doesn't seem to be able to keep my attention right now though" Girl I feel the same way about every textbook.. xD. Yes you'll do not just fine, but greeeeatt :)

    mMMM donuts from where? :D
    Awwwe, I feel ya girl =( Fuck school!! LOL

    What are you taking?! I'm sure whatever it is, you'll do great =)
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