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  • Ahhhhhhh you joined on my birthday!!!!!!

    How amazing is that- was just snooping here whilst leaving my vm. :)
    *bounce bounce bounce*

    Silly Me posted this message on my own wall.

    Happiest Monday to you DonTaushMe... :hug:
    Ahhhhhhhhh your personal pic is Dug!!!!! :) Thanks very much for the thumbs up and rep comment... much appreciated my dear! :hug:
    LOL awwwe so cute!!! xDD

    OMG you changed your avi to the picture! I don't know why I just was imagining it as your avi and was going to recommend that you use it and just had a big feeling that you would XDD! Totally love it c: Great minds think alike :P
    My sister saw Iggy live in concert. She said everyone was mesmerized by dat ass and it's even more cray in person XD
    Yo you know that stats that I only got 79%? The class avg was 39% and I'm totally flabbergasted LOL
    I think it's so low because a lot of people don't even do the online tests >_>

    Lol that teacher has issues.. I don't see any wrong in students helping students.. Isn't that a big part of learning as well? O_o O well~ I know you're gonna do well =]

    haha we should but too bad it's too cold and there's way too many bugs here to do a picnic ;_; maybe we can do one indoors!!

    Glad to have made you smile.^^
    I hear someone was being an absolute jerk to you the other night.
    You don't deserve that treatment. No one does. Ever.
    A toxic inside spills out into actions and words.
    Sucks when it spills out onto others, like you.</3
    Hope you're ok.<3
    Haha she should have made it more clear or emailed all of you about the videos >_<"

    About the thread- do it! I'm sure it will help a lot more people than you can imagine xD. online courses are just tough~

    Test went okay! Don't know if I did supremely well, but it's done for now heh~
    My posts are.really Asian too though lLOL omg I thought u were white too. A white blonde ghaha
    You look adorable and just are adorable (your posts) hahah. :) thank you!! *blush* girl I'm Asian as heck xD not all of us have small eyes ;)
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