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  • I could maybe do tonight for a bit! Might pass out early though.))) Cozy in bed atm.))) *so nice*
    I'm just a bit naive sometimes! :D So I wasn't the only one... I think that thread needs more humor to be honest. :/

    Yes, I really thought so!! *goes hiding to the corner* Omg.. o.o Maybe it has something to do with not being native English speaker, no idea what cat calling means! xD
    I'm not. I'm staying out of it. I said my peace and it was REALLY hard to not go off the chain. What I don't understand is that some people who have been abused or sexually harassed, etc have such a passive and dismissive attitude toward it. Do they not get that when you pass at behaviors like that, you're indirectly saying that it's okay to invade people's space and to taunt them? And this behavior can lead to some really sick things. It's like opening the door to even more extreme situations. Gah.. the one time I open my mouth on this forum, lol. Yeah, people suck :|
    "Never know we're married." That sounds horrible. I'd want to relish it. Every crazy/simple/complicated/shmooshy/rough/blissful/heart-wrenching moment. No no, not knowing about it would be the *biggest* tragedy.</3
    I came here to say I don't know what that means. But now I see what it means. *ducks and returns fire.
    "So I just went to get some fucking pizza"

    Which pizza was better? The one that you were talking about, or the one that I special ordered for you on your birthday? :mcute:
    Suzaku's forgiving temperament drove me a bit nuts too but then I stopped and put myself in his shoes...I think he did it for his own sanity. I mean he was already pretty insane... >.> So I can't hate him...It makes me want to hug him.
    Why a love hate relationship with everyone but her? I did find her to be the character most sincere to herself... While I personally agreed with how Lelouch plotted his strategies, I liked Suzaku better on a more personal level. I had a hard time relating to a lot of the characters except him.

    The Devil is a Part-Timer- I found the show to be adorably uplifting XD
    Very rarely have I wanted to support the companies that release anime, but Code Geass I purchased because it is awesome and because I felt awesome should be supported. Most of my anime I watch on Netflix these days. I started watching The Devil is a Part-Timer, about two demons getting stuck on Earth and disguise as humans to survive, then Satan has to work at a Mc Donalds knock-off to support him and his friend XD It is a real light-hearted feel good anime so far. I hope you get to watch Code Geass with your niece! And yes the character development is fantastic in the series...Who is your favorite character?
    It is awesome. Season 1 was my favorite. The last CLAMP manga I was really in to was X due to the dark themes and I enjoyed the character designs... But then mecha came in and absorbed my attention with Code Geass. I tend to be a sucker for mecha series.
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