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  • Oh my goodness- you had a birthday last week! Happy belated birthday :hug:
    Hoping you had a fantastic weekend and celebrated all of your greatness. oxo
    I'm glad you enjoyed it! The pizza was made of only the finest ingredients imported from Italy~ ^_^ muah

    Omg an oil spill? That sounds dangerous >_<" I hope none of you slipped or stepped in it >o<". Ah, wouldn't it make sense to listen to the mechanic since he knows what's actually going on inside the popper? Don't movie theatres usually have more than one, too? >_<". Did they reconcile and finally meet eye to eye about the issue by the end of the day??

    Yeah, I can imagine that negative energy being way too much to handle. Arguments are bound to happen but for all day? Yeeesh >.<".. LOL self proclaimed bad ass mother fucker .. xD Usually you should obtain that title only if other people call you that.. xD.. Baha well you're sexy either way, maybe she was trying to make a move (;
    Ah, do you have to go for regular chiropractor visits? Sorry to hear that >_<""

    It's sweet how you spend time with your niece and family =D & that girl what the heck, if you're going to pay to watch a movie might as well pay attention and finish it lol.. Now I want to watch it :) Thanks for not revealing any spoilers ^^
    What happened on Tuesday? I hope you're alright! Sounds like you had a crazy week :P

    I've been alright! School is just school and I'm just going with the flow and coasting along in life xD. Thanks for asking! xD BTW happy birthday again girl ^.^ <3 If you were here I'd treat you to dinner!! But you're not so here's a virtual fancy dinner ^.^
    Hi Don!

    Sorry for bothering you, but I am searching my behind off to find how to post a blog. You did and I wonder how?

    Edit: and I see it's your birthday!! Well HAPPY BIRTHDAY then!! :)

    Happy birthday to you!
    Happy birthday to you!

    Happy birthday dear Don Taush Me
    But I'm gonna touch you!!! XD

    Hope you have a splendid day, love =D
    I'm sorry, it was meant to be DISpassionate...in the sense that INFPs have "blank" faces, there isnt any predominant expression of emotion, because its all inside, its introverted feeling.
    I wasnt disrespectful :D
    Thanks for the image.
    You look very different then I would expect. Also more mature.

    And yeah, you have that typical impassionate INFP face (this is the inner typological master within speaking).

    If you want, you can remove the pic now, because hey, now I know how you look :P
    LOL probably!! Girl I've been craving so much food too it's insane.. Definitely PMS time buahaha
    oh my gosh...
    I didn't expected that kind of message at all!

    Ok, here we go...
    I know you are a lesbian (from a long time), and I'm not hitting you. I was just jk, making a fun of the situation, when I sent you that message.

    And secondly, I want to see a picture of you out of curiosity, if you don't mind of course. I'm just nicely asking you.
    reason? Just curiosity, to see how the face of member DonTaushMe looks...

    And I'm sorry for any inconvenience I created you, I'm really sorry. I didn't knew it will come like that to you :)
    A lesbian?
    Oh, I didn't expected that, and I never tried it.
    But don't worry, I think I can solve that...:P
    Just post that picture please.
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