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  • That's the case with most artists and songs these days, though :/

    Batman. It always comes down to that cat, man. He's just that awesome. I've never had one toke session without someone not bringing him up at least once. (It's also been decided that his character concept would be amazingly bad ass in a Dark Ages setting).

    As for the game, that'd be something to check out one day. Maybe. I'll check out the clips on youtube for a nice homage, though :)
    It's hard to find an artist that you really love absolutely everything they do, though. I like 'em because I'm totally all about the 90's nostalgia. "Big Me" is my favourite song from the Foo's. <3
    And wtf is up with your avatar, dude. Sure you can sing. I deposit a quarter and noise comes out of your mouth... Totally kidding :)
    "Mundane," however, I will not tolerate!
    OMFG, you weren't kidding about the song/band mention thing. The Foo's! I friggin' love the Foo's :P
    DFA is one of those bands that you either love 'em or hate 'em; so I apologize if they're not up to your snuff.

    As for Red Carpet Shag. Nice. I am really, really thinking we need to sit down and have a music swap. You've got great taste.
    If you ever experiment with bass, that would be an awesome song to learn how to play. Also, I think Romantic Rights is probably one of rock's sexiest songs. And you got pegged with it, hot-diggity-dog! :)

    I have heard of him before, but he's one of those artists that people keep telling you to look up and somehow, you never get around to it. Now I'm going to check out more of his stuff. I am certifiably in love because of that song, though :)
    I love him, thank you! What an awesome choice. I also hope you got my not-so-subtle hint with DFA :P (
    Hah! That was amazing to come home to today. Thanks for sharing those; you sound great! :)
    No. We didn't end up going. :/ We end up having a lazy Saturday evening, watching "Grandma's Boy."

    How about you, handsome? How was your weekend? Anything exciting happen? :)
    Well, Jack Kerouac is my favorite, so I liked the other avatar better. :P
    No it's not me, but you're right, it does look like me. I only noticed that a few days after I had it up.
    I've only been to one sports game in my life (football for a class trip) so I kind of want to see what the experience is like. And since Blue Jays tickets are dirt cheap (gee, wonder why?) I figure, hey, what the heck. Let's see what the hoopallah is all about. And as for the bonfire, it's a friends thing, obviously. I'm kind of in a "I can't stand my parental units" sort of mode as of late.

    Oooh, that's a tough choice. Social or anti-social weekend? Depends what your week has been like. Having a private jam session or a frenzied night of writing sounds pretty kick ass.

    You know, I actually want to go see a movie alone once in my life. I mean, even if you're with another person, it's not like you're really interacting with them. Both your eyes are glued to the big screen and you're engrossed in the movie. It's not really that social of an activity at all. You should see Inception if you haven't already.
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