Actually, I started chatting on these forums very shortly after I stopped smoking. I was VERY aggressive. Normally I am very calm and accepting of others. My roomie had a friend that I didn't like much, and he happened to be over on the first weekend after I stopped smoking, he almost got a beat down.
I have been in 2 fights in my life and neither was instigated by me, if that tells you anything. That was also the first time that I ever developed a need to pace. I paced around for hours listening to aggressive music sometimes, LOL. My roommate just laughed. Fortunately for me he doesn't smoke.
Your theory is good and it makes sense, for me it was a bit sporadic, sometimes it happened repeatedly over a few days, some days it was isolated only to an hour or 2 for one morning.
It never lasted through the whole day, normally it would go away at some point at work.