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  • It's coming along nicely. I'm having a hard time finding just the right images, but I'm hopeful, and I can't wait to show it to you when it's done. :D
    got the weekend off. gonna head to jawjuh in the morning to hang out with dana's family. maybe a little target practice...EEEE!
    feeling any better after your awful day?
    CBWL x infinity
    Well, I can't hold it anymore. I must admit that Eric Cartman, as an epitome of oppressive governmental law-enforcing element, is rulez! I thought it matches your sudden acquisition of god-like superpower as mod, but then I read about your current job. However, I don't believe in simple reasoning (must open a thread!), meaning it's highly likely that BOTH these influences have been combined, consciously or unconsciously, to end up with that avatar.
    Yea I can see it now, thanks. Was wondering why it didn't show up the first time, Guess that's why.
    Nothing too big planned for this weekend. I plan to do laundry and hopefully I will finish this book and move on to the next. You should get on so I can stalk your reading!
    yes, from scratch, with garlic bread. and of COURSE you are welcome to come over! dana is making brownies for dessert. :) and then drunk truth or dare! but not really, because some of us have to work tomorrow.
    Thank you! I'm very excited, and hope I get it.. It's actually a grounds keeping position and I am hopeful about working my ass off outside.. just me and nature.
    i just laughed out loud when i read that. i'm cleaning my bafroom/doing laundry/listening to zeppelin's over the hills and far away/gonna make lasagna in t-minus two hours. eeee! do you know how impossible it is to thoroughly clean a bafroom without bleach? 'cos i do.

    what're yoooou up to on this lovely hump-day?
    LOL. A bird had just crapped on the place you put your hand to tag me. :D
    oh so you are the starter of this all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    tag back to you (that will teach you not to tag innocent people)
    Haha U so fonny!

    I'm gonna tag someone else now but before I go, I'm gonna give you a big hug :D thanks for stopping by my wall and tagging me (meh lol) and for the kind words and positive rep yesterday. Really, I appreciated it. *huggles*
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