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  • Because it is...I dont know why either...

    I am all for the know I likes me smut! rawr
    fantastic! got some shopping out of the way, and i accidentally picked up a copy of new moon. okay, not really an accident. confession time: i secretly like the twilight books, and have to watch the movies to feel complete. and i got a fun new crocheted hat, so i can look like another dope-smokin' hippie! and smell good-y things. and tim tams. now it is time to put on my hat and my polka-dotted scarf, curl up on the sofa and watch my movie. or something.
    sounds like a plan. i'm gonna bring a harmonica. and a ton of paper and pens, for tic-tac-toe, of course. and rum. lots of rum. anything else?

    i'm hangin' in there. here. whatever it is, i'm hangin' in it. have a day off tomorrow and i'm thinking about getting out and doing something new. i'll letcha know how that goes.

    feeling any better today?
    ehh. you know. but i'm alive. *feels for pulse* yeah, i'm alive. i would ask how you are, but i just read your blog. lol. so what else is new?
    The books look nice sitting on my nightstand, can't wait to actually get to reading them.

    Sucks to hear you had such a bad sleep. Are you constantly overly anxious?

    The weather is freakin awesome here too!
    Waiting and guessing, especially when one's character is to act to solve problems, as soon is possible, is even more frustrating, indeed, I can see. I wish I could do something more about it too, right now. That inspires the thought: maybe soon we could screen ourselves? You know if there are healthy and easy ways to screen living bodies, people could learn to observe and identify any body conditions, independently, at home, and as early as possible. This would lead to rapid improvement of human health on average.
    Hey Mf,
    I'm not usually into punk, but I really liked their sound. I'm going to have to go listen to more Suicide Machines! I also really enjoyed the video just for the fun the crowd was having. I can see why you miss going to the shows. I'd be a wall flower, (more like stuck bumping up against the bouncers) but I can really see why you would miss that kind of show.
    Hey man! Just wanted to tell you that we love you here. Even if the condition is serious, don't be afraid. Many people with great passion had weak hearts in history. It is likely that in very near future (a few decades at most), any such functional problem would be repairable through nanotechnology. Apart from that, I can assure you that some kind of organ issue is usually found in most people. The thought of it is scary at first, but people are very adaptable and learn how to use it even to their advantage later. My admirations go to you for the courage and honesty in this tough moment. I hope the later tests to find out it's the lightest case possible.
    not bad just bored, your fancy purple name stood out on th balack drop. So i figured i just say hi.
    Thank you so much. I read your blog saying you were going to the doc today and you've definitely been in my thoughts. Please let me know whats going on okay...

    *hugs and lots of love*
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