My trip is more or less over now, and it was pretty interesting. Here's a summary:
I soaked 100 seeds in water for about 3 hours. Even then, they were hard to chew, and tasted like shit. I took a nap, and when I woke up it still hadn't hit me (or my digestive system). Only during class did my stomach start churning, causing me to run to the bathroom. So far not so good, but finally I felt the psychological effects. I had trouble paying attention to the lecture, but I became more aware of my senses. I started humming music, and it sounded unusually beautiful.
Things got *really* interesting when I went to sleep. I had the most vivid dreams of my life. I was in a 3d Super Mario-esque game, among other scenarios.
Due to the relatively small dose and not knowing what to expect, my account probably isn't that interesting. I wanted to play it safe, since I'm on antidepressants. But I plan to do it again, maybe this weekend. 100 seeds gone, 2900 to go =)