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  • Nah, I wouldn't sneak up on people. Would've been fun, though.

    Hah, you know it's a good time to crash when I'm too lazy to look up the temperature conversion on google to offer a comparative figure. Have a good night, ol' chum :D
    If I throw rocks at them, the instinct is to run faster... even though they're not getting anywhere, really. So, in essence, I'm motivating them. :P

    Yeah, it's been warm. 7 degrees the other day. It's nice to have that winter jacket as optional.
    So? Glass windows just means they can't throw rocks, right? I bet everyone is just so worried about people watching them, they're not even paying attention.

    But running at night IS the best. It's starting to warm up again. Would be nice to take to the streets.
    Dude, that would totally emasculate him and I hate seeing grown men cry. :P
    No, actually, I haven't been to the gym in weeks and my jeans are getting a bit tight. Got to hop on that bandwagon again (but I HATE it out the place is so packed the first few weeks of the new year. I'm waiting for people to give up on their goals so I can get first dibs on the best treadmills).
    *wags finger* You may have a dodged a slap, but that isn't going to save you from a scolding. [Insert Healthy Eating Lecture Here]

    Besides, I was about to have a heart attack at the idea of you, of all people, identifying as a chunky munky. My goodness. *shakes head*

    Anything new besides?
    Or they'd be mesmerized by shapely man legs in pixie boots, either way.

    I know we're going to be at Giza for a couple of days, and then Abydos and Thebes. We'll be exploring some tombs in the Valley of the Kings too (which is what I'm most excited about; that's been on my List of things to do before I die).
    I grew up on bad dreams and the Empire carpet jingle. Make. My. Day.
    Pyramids? You got it, buster. And I won't get gobbled by gators. I'm more likely to get kidnapped by Bedouin (this is the first time I've ever had to get kidnapping insurance... oh boy).
    Remember my judge aunt I told you about? She's funding the trip. She's been to the country several times before and always sends me some sort of book on the subject or a souvenir (I used to be absolutely obsessed with ancient Egypt). This time, she went for Christmas and sent back tickets for a cruise.

    We also happen to share a birthday, my aunt and I, and we'll be celebrating it on the Nile together. This is kind of her birthday present to me, since we don't see nearly enough of one another.
    Lately, this Batman has been a throw back to the 1960's show, spending most of their free time at the public library, not hitting on a bee-hived Barbara Gordon. So no, I've just been a loser and prowling the forum on my free time.

    I did, however, book a flight to Egypt in February; I'm going to be on a six day cruise on the Nile, and then another ten days just doing some regular ol' tours. Will be fun. I'm celebrating my 24th birthday there too :)
    Well, we won't kill them. We will just emasculate the masses with love and kindness and talks of feelings and understanding and collectivism and equality until their wankers shrivel off and then slowly, they fade from existence..
    But maybe, we'll get lucky and end up on a genderless planet. Wouldn't that be nice? Or maybe these new Angelic Alien Beings known as Svuczulu3% will have so many genders they will all cancel one another out and we can bob for apples in the blue eternity. Much better than getting old, eh? Why worry about getting old, now?
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