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  • Sweet, and double sweet! I am thinking of being in chat tonight and possibly a revival of the typsy dneecey thread. :) No worries about falling asleep.. I'm an advocate of those who need sleep getting it, and I really hate waking people up. The way I see it.. if they're sleeping then they need to be.. I will only do it if they absolutely have to be somewhere, like work, or school.
    Thanks. :) I hope you post something.. in fact I hope a lot of people do.. :D Oh, do you work tonight?
    No.. I wish, just slightly above average.. there are many more true wizards here.. I just have a keen love for it.. :)
    Me too! I was surprised I found it, but only just a little because I can find just about anything on the internet... *brags just a little* :D
    Tempting, and although Luke is cute, I was always more of an older Anakin fan, right before he become Darth.. all dark and broody.. but still pretty much in love... *mmmm* Mara Jade.. pretty hot though.. I'm going to have to mull this offer over. :D
    For some reason, I think I may have already known that.
    Now, why don't you get your happy ass in tinychat so we can pick on you?
    Plenty of pizza here to go around! I don't mind sharing.
    Boss is cool, so far.
    Aaaaand...what are you tutoring?
    As promised:
    Today was great. Now I need to find a person willing to rub my feet.
    And eat pizza. And sleep. But we both know I will be up late. That's just how I do.
    Did you ever hear the slant rap? :p
    She does it from time to time on tinychat..
    No I was never into cards. But I did have many original action figures. And the Millinium Flacon! Yeah, it rocked. Oh, and I owned the original score to "A New Hope" on record (LP). Loved it! Yeah, if you need to gut Matt, give me a call. Guys called Matt just ask for it......;)
    Actually, I think the racism thread turned out rather successfully. I really didn't expect the topic to be completely unanimous and for the most part it was. I am kinda disappointed it turned into a "white black" thing. Racism is racism, no matter which way it goes.
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