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  • <3 I hope your morning finds you well my love! And remember to give those lucky kids an easy day today.. :D
    Thank you! I promise I will let you know how it goes, and if an ass-kicking is in order.
    Don't overdo it tonight, me hearty! Hollerrrr!
    While her midchloriadians are off the scale, no. I work what we Earthbound ones call "second shift". I am usually up 'til 3:00 or so. Alas, I have no hairy tauntaun close by. But I do have my own budding Jedi Academy, as well as Padawan.
    Nooo! Of all nights for you to be drinking, you had to pick the ONE night I have to go to bed. I start my new jorb in the mornin'.
    Ha, well if you are going to be pulled from your "studies", then I approve of your choice! Hoth is quite like Michigan is it not?........and I thought they smelled bad, on the outside!
    Thanks. mf. If I knew how to do smilies. I'd give you a big grin. Though I think "awesome" is overdoing it a bit, I apprecoate the sentiment.
    Awww you're so nice!! :D :hug: I'm so glad I'm back! I feel like I missed ALOT though, so many new people here I have to meet now. I'm glad you're having a good day. :) I wish mine was productive like yours though! I hardly got anything done today. LOL
    Hey sneaker, I see you sneaking!

    Thanks for the pm. I'm doing all right. A lot more 'laxed, that's for sure. Things will pick up soon, though.
    Heh? I took a day off because truth be told, I'm deeply disturbed by one poster here.
    I meant flaxseed for oat bran; no, I can have flaxseed, I just don't have any oat bran at hand right now. :(

    And I wanted muffin!

    But my muffin tin, the only one I have, is huge. It's going to produce costco-sized muffins...

    and only six of them...
    if I substitute oat bran for flaxseed do you think they would come out the same?

    I SHOULD try to make muffins at some point. I think I need apples though.
    Ok, I lied. I have real flaws. But I'm not about to tell you what they are, so you'll still like me. My elbows are fine. And I don't live with myself. I live with my friend. Hahahaha...
    Lol. It's not the first time. It's the Old soul+youthful spirit combination. That's why I'm so great, in case you were wondering. Also, I feel I should balance that comment with some self-deprication...soo...I have awfully rough elbows today. Now there is balance.
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