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  • God.. I am here compulsively..and usually disgusted with the degree of cowardly relativism.
    I must be drawn to the sick and controversial. Perhaps I am a zealot myself.
    Thanks MF, I appreciate you sharing it! Be sure to keep me informed on future developments!
    Thanks!! - That avatar is soooo me. My best friend found it and sent it to me.
    "It makes sense" Is that a pun??? LOL

    I wouldn't be surprised if a good portion of the people on this website were really sensors. I think sensors get a REALLY bad wrap and that intuition is incorrectly portrayed in a lot of tests, but I could certainly be wrong. Don't feel too consumed by it though. I really don't know MBTI that well!
    I think the world will go on. I'm pretty sure of it. But I will probably spend my whole day at work thinking about all the witty remarks I'm not posting. I'm not a fan of being an adult. I don't recommend it.
    I can see why that would be cause for concern. We had company tonight, so I wasn't around. Hey, don't freak out next week when I start my job and don't post something every thirty minutes. I'm most likely still alive. :P
    I think we had a great conversation and were able to reach an equilibrium haha ^^
    It was so pleasant, yet mentally stimulating... Something I must admit I haven't been getting much of here in America yet. :)
    Funny enough it was my mom. Wow ya worst person to find out ever. ESTJ. They can't seem to understand that I like the art and stories both sexual not and thats about it. They even still joke about it. My mom was always a little weird about stuff like that. Like really strict. Even with normal pron she would freak out. I think that just the SJ part coming through.
    People are too busy looking out for their own gender, whatever the fuck that means.
    PG even admitted that was her agenda...
    It upset me pretty thoroughly.
    I'd express why, but I'd be repeating myself.
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