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  • So.. are you still looking for songs to learn.. because I was thinking Crazy the Ray Lamontagne version would be a good choice for you.. In fact if you do learn it I would LOVE to hear it! =)
    Pfft. Nothing fun or interesting. :) Just beer. If I drink liquor clothes are likely to come off and I wont want to show my face on the forum ever again.. I choose to stay within my limits and drink bud light like a wuss. :D
    I wanted to be a joint thread with the three of us, but maybe another time. The snow is great because I get to enjoy it from inside my warm house.. except when I take out my dog. :D How has it been on you? Will you be around tonight? I have to go start getting ready, the kiddos are leaving soon and I want to get in some fun time with them before they go.
    I was thinking about doing some laundry, that might be a little too ambitious though.
    Want to punish your liver with me tonight? I'm thinking of asking NAI the same thing.. :) Mine has been getting way out of line lately anyway..
    YAY! You remembered me!! :D My time away was pretty good, I missed everyone here so much! How have you been??
    lol. Why, thank you, darling. That was such a nice thing to find in my visitor box this morning; I bet it'll give me an edge for the day. I'll have to turn around and explain what it is about a Dingo/Australian Wild Dog that reminds me of you. There's that loyalty factor associated with canines, of course, but you've got an independence streak as well; though you're a friendly person, I don't think you'll give your friendship to just anyone. More on it later. :)
    Awesome... good night my dear.. I cant wait to talk to you tomorrow. :D Have fun and good luck. XoxoxoxXO
    You are leaps and bounds ahead of me here darling. There is something to be said about going into public policy and I think you'll make the right decision. It all seems so interesting to me. I don't really think you have to decide.. but the truth is that every thing you're interested in is going to be a lot of work, and take dedication on your part.. Oh but the pursuit of knowledge is such a rewarding one. Oh to stand in your shoes for a week... :)

    I am so happy for you.. I'm sure it's not easy.. but it seems so exciting.. can you tell I'm a nerd... lol.
    Gosh that is so awesome. Well middle school teachers in my opinion hands down have the hardest job as far as teachers go... Those are some pretty rough years for children. But my heart lies with the high school kids. I would love to be an English/Drama teacher at a high school. So English and History huh? Which is your preference? Oh and I'm SOOOO jealous of you now. :D
    Definitely! And I'll definitely tell you. I'll text you right before it starts. :D

    I'm trying to talk my friend to go see it at the exact same time as I do even though we live in different states. But even if he doesn't I'm still going. I'm pretty pumped about it.
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