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  • I've decided I'm going to write, most likely drink, watch really silly girly movies, and go see Avatar! :D I can't wait to especially do the last one.
    Yeah..except Jr hasn't been going with it lately. He's been waking up in the middle of the night and staying up for hours after that... it's kinda been harsh. But my mother in law is gonna pick up the kids this weekend and take them on vacation with her for like a week and a half. I'm pretty nervous about it, and I'll be home alone since Jesse is in school. I'm gonna be pretty bored. :D
    It is. I can't wait for 8:30 when the kids go to sleep. :D It gets dark really early here. But the days are pretty sunny which is nice. Germany had the tendency to be really gloomy in the winter.
    hahaha... okay... no snow pj pics then.. that's okay. i wouldn't show you pics of my pjs either because they're kind of inappropriate... but mostly i just wear sweats and not pjs anyway.. so whatever. =)

    Oh how did you know I wrote My Love Unknown? .. I was surprised so many people guessed right.
    ooOooohh you have snow pjs? I want pics. I have a view of a hill it's really nice and I live near a river. Ill take pics.
    Lol.. well then I really hope you get snowed in then.. It would be cool to hang out with you all day.. even if it's just at the forum.. Plus tomorrow is Friday so those are always dripping with potential for me. :D
    Well then I will hope for a snow day for you too. :) What will you do if you have the entire day off?
    hey howz yr liver?

    yay, I'm all moved in my new plce and have my internet back :) hehe
    LOL--I have no doubt that will happen one night here. I have only a little beer here tonight. Maybe when I get some wine or vodka--my two poisins!! I rarely drink liquior anymore. But still time to have some more fun. Oh the poem.......
    I originally though of putting "Would you like a little in ya?" (for the avatar). Thank god I'm not drunk...yet.
    hah, not at all, i dont identify myself with pandas, necessarily, but thanks :)

    i should post in this thread, but it seems hard for me to match people with animals, but i enjoy the cute pictures there ^^
    Dude, Boston KILLS! I was 12 when their debut album came out and it blew my mind. It is still one of my three favorites. You know "Captain O' my Captain" is Walt Whitman I assume? Cool shit!! I'm trying to write but not doing a good job! :p
    I just read the "I'm sorry everybody" thread, and it pissed me off. I'm all full of rage now! RAGE!
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