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  • I also wanted to thank you for your support. You probably don't realize it, but you're definitely part of that handful of people on these forums that really had me gunning for that glimmer of hope at the end of the tunnel. Thanks for helping me stay positive. *hugs!*
    Well, I promised myself no more excessive hedonism. I'm going to a party on Saturday, so that should assuage those urges. Tomorrow, though, I intend to hit the LSAT pretty damn hard. And uh, yeah, start with a 7:30 a.m. gym appointment with myself so I can pick up my competition slack.

    I'm so happy I could kiss everybody right now. Woot!
    I have firm intentions to forget the little people, but they do not include you. Everyone here is grand in my eyes!

    Good luck with the all the lit work, too!
    Of course. Someone's bound to fight it - it's America after all. :p But if you can show people that the more junk they eat that the more they'll pay for it, pays for itself. People will buy the cokes and junk food, regardless. But if you're gonna eat it, you should pay for your own health care in higher junk food taxes. They're addictive substances!
    Thanks for the encouragement. I hope things turn out okay; I've got a similar hunch.
    Sent you an PM!
    LOL! See?! It all makes sense...That's kind of awesome, actually. Although you can BET the softdrink manufacturers are already getting their lawyers and PAC groups together to fight it...
    Lol, I'm afraid to say this, but I think you were about right...

    I can already play bunches of songs on my violin. My technique needs lots of directions but finding the notes and at least faking through a song is pretty easy. It's like I'm finally playing the instrument I'm meant to play.
    I'm doing all right, I guess. I haven't been this humbled or deflated since I can remember, except the difference is, now I'm actually fighting back. There's a lot of unknowns that are up in the air at the moment, and I'm praying that things will eventually settle so I can feel the ground beneath my feet again. So I know which direction to head in. The other thing is, I'm feeling pretty lonely; for the first time in my life, none of the friends that used to call me are calling anymore because they're half way around the country or because I've shut them out.

    Still, this sort of thing would have broken me before. Now I'm definitely much stronger and able to weather this. I think?

    Anyway, how are you? Been behaving yourself?
    I already have phase one calluses on my fingers from acoustic (steel string, those nylon strings are too easy and they bug me). Violin is...hmm.
    I need a teacher so I can learn the technical skills. Finding the pitches is no prob though. In fact, I prefer plucking, because it's basically guitar, just centered around different notes.
    Also it allows me to play along with Andrew Bird (sloppily, though).

    Don't drown! Your lit major must be difficult. Good luck!
    Thank you! =)
    they're called snow carpets, they're sooo small but numerous when they grow, so they look like carpets :P
    I have to learn how to hold it first! But I'm flattered that you think I will become a virtuoso so quickly ^_^
    Nah, don't be intimidated. Get caffenated, and prop up those feet. The beauty of English Lit is that as long as you do the reading, you're about 90% of the way in. It's just going to test a bit of your patience (I've got dents in my walls for a reason, y'know). And honestly, from what I've read of candid writing, and your ability to argue on the forums, I think you're a smart cookie; you've got everything you need to do more than just fine.

    And speaking of your writing, I'm about 8 pages in, and totally enthralled. You've got such a poetic soul; it completely caught me off guard about how real the feeling is jumping off the page. For something written in third person, it reads with the intimacy of first person. A feat that's not all that easily accomplished. It's a candid first-person dissociative, and I feel privileged in a way to be given a chance to not only glimpse these inner thoughts, but fully experience the memories with you. I'm caught between impressed and intrigue at the moment. I'll have to take more time to digest the verses and poetry, though. Too tired to savor them at midnight.
    Anyway, I just wanted to let you know I'm going to print off that text you attached to your blog and read it a little later tonight. :)
    Well, today my friend's dad sent the violin with my friend to school. He was so prompt! I've been getting a feel for the instrument. A bit of plucking to figure out the distance of the notes, and a bit of bowing to see what angle I have to hit the strings from.

    It will be autographed if that fantasy ever happens.

    Writing? Awesome. I love introverted phases!
    Writing analysis? Hmm. I'm trying to wrap my head around that. I'm assuming that's a literary criticism course. Fascinating stuff. Then we'll get have to have tea and discuss Roxana, Tristam Shandy and all their friends! Or maybe I'm not serious.
    Hi, thanks so much :)
    I love your quotes, especially "love is all" and "suffering is art". Both I believe to be true.
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