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  • As with all things, it seems that yet another long time member fades away. I wish you all the best in your new career and with what life has to offer. I selfishly miss seeing you around here but find a real sense of happiness for you that you are embarking on all that life has to offer----a career and a wife. I still picture you standing outside with a sign that says "free meat" (or whatever it said) and that makes me laugh. :D
    Actually, it doesn't matter :) this chapter is over anyway. Congratulations on your engagement!
    Thanks! I notice you're a longtime fan of my punctuation and grammar.

    To be honest, I'm just OCD about that stuff.
    thats why i posted and tagged you in it....duhhh! I'm getting around to your rep this weekend :)
    Oh, exciting! Where is your friend off to in the UK? I know, time is flying by! Is your job now only temporary? What grades do you teach? Ah yes thats me. Neverwhere: Life Master and Arse Kicker Extraordinaire. I am doing ok. I'm pretty tired these days and I've been busy with various life things. Keeping a low profile at the moment (hence my frequenting the forum more often), just staying home and taking care of the house and Isobel. I've been thinking a lot about college and the future, but I really do't know how that's going to pan out. We'll see! My job is gone, so I'm trying to figure something else out in the mean time.
    Dude, if you're ever in Ireland you better as hell look me up. :) How are you getting on? How's school?
    Hey, i hope this doesnt come across as sexist- but i really love and appreciate all your posts about feminism. its a good feeling knowing that men care as much as women about feminism and equality. Makes me feel really hopeful about a better tomorrow. Hope you're having a great day
    Ha! Me too! I was starting to think maybe I was just a bit dim or uncultured or something! The writing style was difficult for me. It seemed a little disjointed. I had difficulty following what was going on because Heller kept jumping all over the place. Also, the characters were annoying. What was up with the dialogue? everyone was batshit insane! I think that was a mistake. With everyone being nuts there were no characters to hold everything together. It was a bit like a bad dream. Then again, I didn't read very far in.
    I started it today and got about 50 pages in before closing it. I didn't like it either. I hated the writing style and felt like there were a lot of flaws both in the writing and characters. I'd just heard so many good things I was wondering if I knew anyone else who had read it and what they thought!
    Life has been great! It's my own mind that makes it seem unbearable at times.

    How does it feel to be one of the people again? hehe
    I'd like to say that I am excited for you and that I think you're a nice person.

    I don't know if you're leaving entirely, or just quitting the staff.
    Life is going ok at the moment actually. Just riding the waves! How about you? Do you still feel the need to drink? I noticed your mod status...are you leaving us?
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