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  • I can imagine that would kill your soul! Wow 8th graders....that sounds tough, but really rewarding! I hope it's a good experience for you! I'm currently working very low part timish helping run a toddler group. We had our last session yesterday though, and now we're finished up for the summer. This doesn't really please me, so I'm throwing myself into helping my mom out.
    Is it weird that I'm hoping my mom will need me for more hard manual labour??? :D I'm a masochist. What do you work as if you don't mind me asking?
    Yeah, I always find distraction and keeping busy are the best things. Hope you're able to take some chill out time for youself!
    Doing all right can be a complicated way of being - yes? I am glad for the resolution and closure. I feel totally free from the influences Aneirin's girlfriend, Angelbaby, had on me by coming to the forum and lurking day after day after day for months and months after he dumped me. Ironically when she found out I could see she was here - and that it upset me - she apologized and wanted a ban. Surprisingly we both wanted to talk a bit about the whole Aneirin and her episode and she obtained healing - I obtained clarity. The whole process was very emotional for me - though - and therefore exhausting. I had to be willing to visit old wounds and memories in order to get the final Freedom. You know how that is.... Thank you for wishing me well. :hug: I hope you are doing ok and I'm looking forward to when you can come back here and play a bit. TDHT and DimensionX are here and it's been fun. :tongue1:
    Pretty awesome when moderators trash your rep, huh? There's a lot more where that came from. Be prepared to read a lot more of holding people accountable for their actions.
    Hi, I tried to "mention" you but for some reason the mentions aren't working in blogs so I'm doing it manually. Since you tend to visit TC from time to time I was wondering if you could give me your thoughts on the initial brainstorm and add any suggestions that come to mind and feel free to ask for clarification on anything I'm put in the image, oh! and if you can think of any alternative names for it besides Tinychat 2 I'd appreciate your input.

    Thanks :)
    I forgot to tell you. Congrats on all the great things going on in your life. You worked hard for your success and your happiness. I wish you well.
    Woah you're the admin now? I must've hit my head and woke up in crazy-land.

    Just kidding, congrats bud.
    Lol for some reason I imagined exclaiming it in a Jeff fox worthy voice as I crashed through a barn.
    I want to resolve my issues so they don't just sneak up on me
    in future times. He's a really awesome man. I've seen a couple
    of documentaries with him and some of his patients.
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