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  • Hi bamf! :hug: I caught your well wishes as they floated on down and they transformed into a smile. :love: Thank you dear.
    Twas my pleasure.
    Do you ever watch that show?
    It's brilliant. I think the best one is where Phil's son says, "Dad, you are fucked."
    Sorry, he's still busy taking care of our's. -yumiii
    I hope you go on to get your MA or even PhD if that's what you want, because you're definitely right up there in terms of brilliant minds.

    "I saw the greatest minds of my generation" . . . make me think. And they didn't realise how marvelous that was. :)
    Ah, I still need to figure it out though! I'd like to work for the EU, or any other supranational/international organisation.

    I've been studying German since this year. It's related to Dutch, so I can understand what you've just said :P
    'Isn't that kind of useless to study a language which is related to your mother tongue?'
    Well.. uh.. no..
    I've just always wanted to study German, plus a load of other languages. After this one, I'll improve my French.

    So yeah. Kind of geekish, really.
    Oh, I've been working doing a lot of introspection while I was gone, and I must say, I've learned a lot about myself.
    Good and bad things. Which is very positive, in my opinion.
    Aside from my emotional immaturity I experience from time to time, I'm doing good.

    Heh, I'm jealous. I still have 3 semesters to go after this one. (And I'd like to do gain another degree. I really don't like studying,
    but I need to get somewhere in my life, and to get to the place I want to be in, I'll need a degree in Law. Then there's the master
    in International politics I could take.. Which would be mental masturbation. But I doubt it's as useful as Law, and once I'd have
    done the first two years, I can choose a lot of international and criminal law courses. Which, again, would be mental masturbation.)
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