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  • Just stopping by to say hi and post a random funny pic. :D

    Am arguing with my exboyfriend.
    Do want to punch him in the face.

    Blizzard and I only talk about berries
    and bitches.
    I have been putting some real thought into
    getting a snake.

    In those two hours did you move?

    Maybe he's sleeping.
    How odd. We don't have horseflies during
    the winter months.

    I just got done plucking my eyebrows.
    It's going well. I'm doing a good job remembering
    things. Go figure.
    Yeah. I was talking to someone at the beginning of my shift and I was saying that every semester it has gone downhill some. It's largely because of the people I work with. My new boss this year is terrible at telling how well a person will do at the job.

    I'm crashing sooooooooooooo hard. 40 minutes to go!
    *clears throat*

    OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH This is the shift that never ends.
    It goes on and on my friends.
    Someone started working it not knowing what it was,
    and they'll keep working it causethepersonwhoworksaftermedidntshowupandwontanswertheirphone becauseeeeeeeeeeee,

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