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  • Thank you! Thank you! I could have used
    you yesterday, the damn pickles were out
    of my reach!
    I have to work at six tonight.
    I hope you'll be there with your arms!
    It has dissolved down to my co-workers sheer exsistance is annoying. GAH! Can not wait until I am done with this job. It's gotten slowly worse every semester I have worked here.
    no comment on how i used a four letter acronym to describe you? I am disappoint...
    I like the child in the high chair dancing along and then the other one huddled studiously over his teddy bear..
    And yes. His moves are as hypnotically exotic as any Turkish grandpa could ever be. That song couldn't be any more perfect. I thought you'd enjoy!

    My boyfriend actually showed me this vid. after finding it.
    We went to a concert a long time ago and he danced somewhat like that..
    and spoke to everyone around us in an unidentifiable accent while wearing my scarf over his head like a babuska... people actually asked me what country he was from.
    lol, you can say about the same. I have assignments for next week and I have to get a lot of volunteer work done. No fun for me, but it's all good.

    Hopefully, no summer school this year!...but maybe a job lol
    Yay weekend! We were going to go down to Des Moines for the weekend but the weather decided to ruin that idea. Guess that's ok really, I'm still feeling the effects of over-stimulation from all the people hovering over me the last few weeks. People keep asking me if I'm ok if they don't hear from me for a day or two and though I know they have good intentions, I just want to smack them. That's a totally normal thing for me and no one ever thought anything of it before if I went mega-introvert for a day or two. Some days after work and dealing with assholes all day, I just want to forget other people exist for a while, lol.
    It's going well, thanks (:
    I just got off a little bit
    ago. The people are really
    nice to me. Though they
    made me climb onto counters
    and inbetween things in
    the kitchen wiping it down.
    I was scared of falling the
    whole time. My shoes are
    kind of slippery.
    Neh, not really motivated to.
    I just can't believe people will accept any conspiracy no matter how ridiculous.
    Thank you for the reps. :)
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