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  • Dancing bear says good morning

    well to be completely honest my only deity is art, but she's a genuine acolyte, & that much is true.
    Darn these witching hours! It's always me or you or both. I swear we should pull a Wisconsin and demand overtime pay!
    Not too bad. I spent all of Saturday being utterly lazy...I did absolutely nothing except screw around on the computer and watch movies. Today I "cleaned" my house (cleaned being a fairly loose term when it comes to me) did the laundry and helped Mom and Dad with all of the Thank You's. I lead an exciting life. How was your's?
    I have a feeling these are going to become more random as we go...but I've come to look forward to your rebuttals...teehee :)

    Ah lucky you. If I can extend my break into another weak I would do so gladly. lol At least, you won't be working AND studying at the same time, so it'll be easier. :smile:

    My class is at 8:45 in the morning. So I have until midnight to read and then it's bed time.
    Well my break ended today. I go back to school tomorrow morning. :(
    I am currently at home sipping green tea and reading my book for the midterm.
    Ah, I see. Well, if it's any comfort I too am studying. Although getting a lil distracted on Skype every now and then lol
    I have 2 midterms, 2 meetings, posters to work on, and a lab report. I'll probably be able to manage it all, but I am going to be dead by Friday. :(

    How you holidn' up?
    Good Morning to my friends here on the forum.

    I have been snowed in for 3 days and running on generator, so I have not been able to make regular contact.

    The sun is out, and it's a new day.

    I hope the electric company can make it to me today to get my power back on so I can do some dishes, and some house cleaning.

    I hope all of you are staying warm and cozy and dry.

    From snow country, I wish you all a wonderful week !

    Headache :)
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