IndigoSensor Nov 25, 2010 The nerves! They be a pain in the ASS! 19 hours left! OY VEY, BRAIN, SHUT UP. /vent
NeverAmI Nov 25, 2010 Sorry to hear you are feeling so down. Hopefully things will turn around for you soon. I am doing well, definitely glad it is the weekend and ready for some relaxation. I hope you get some good relaxation too.
Sorry to hear you are feeling so down. Hopefully things will turn around for you soon. I am doing well, definitely glad it is the weekend and ready for some relaxation. I hope you get some good relaxation too.
NeverAmI Nov 23, 2010 No worries man, just keep it up! You are doing great. Don't let that one small nip ruin all your work! Just visualize yourself no longer dependant on them. It will be great.
No worries man, just keep it up! You are doing great. Don't let that one small nip ruin all your work! Just visualize yourself no longer dependant on them. It will be great.
acd Nov 23, 2010 I would give advice while eating I think. I would sit at a big table by myself and eat a feast while lecturing the masses and shouting onomatopoeia.
I would give advice while eating I think. I would sit at a big table by myself and eat a feast while lecturing the masses and shouting onomatopoeia.
acd Nov 23, 2010 Some day, I hope to be a cross between Dr. Phil, Roseanne, and Emeril. "Friend, shut your mouth,[insert witticism] BAM!"
Some day, I hope to be a cross between Dr. Phil, Roseanne, and Emeril. "Friend, shut your mouth,[insert witticism] BAM!"
NeverAmI Nov 22, 2010 Ok, I apologize for the cheesiness of that last statement. You can smack me, if you like. Are you hyper-aggressive from not smoking? I was almost looking for a fight when I stopped.
Ok, I apologize for the cheesiness of that last statement. You can smack me, if you like. Are you hyper-aggressive from not smoking? I was almost looking for a fight when I stopped.