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  • Oh, exciting. How's that going so far?
    Although, you can always stream online..:D

    Edit: My day ends here. I am off to bed. =)
    You sleep during the day and work during the night...hmm, reminds me of a certain something that sparkles. (I am totally kidding!)

    Road block should go away with distraction. What movie you going to watch?
    I'll probably will...once I figure what. lol

    At least, you're doing something productive. I am either gonna go to bed, or go watch Iron Man 2, now. That might count as a treat.
    Doing absolutely nothing, perhaps read a book or see a movie. But I have 2 midterms next week, so doing nothing is kinda out of the question.

    How's work going?
    Tomorrow got cancelled..and now I am kinda bummed. Guess it's going to be another study-like-crazy weekend..
    I do bite mine. Quite frequently ):

    I thought you gave up smoking?
    ): I hate when tinychat does that to me.
    I also hate that you have to stay on the page
    until it actually loads -.-
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