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  • I have myself convinced that writing professionally
    is something that will never happen for me.

    I write all the time. All over the place. Several notebooks.
    Hundreds upon hundreds of facebook notes. Scraps of
    paper. Other websites that I'm a member of. Just everywhere.
    I feel like there are bits of me tacked across the
    walls of strangers.

    This isn't where I was going with that. I'm
    getting distracted I need to focus.

    When are you going to print your things out?
    Have the concreteness of words in your palms?

    What do you want to write?

    My best work was emitted after I got my heart broken.
    I could tell you the exact time but it would take some
    searching on facebook.
    In my early years of high school I used
    to wake up at four to do my latin and
    french homework. For some reason I
    was convinced I emitted my best work
    I also would do my caclulus at this
    time during my sophomore year of
    college. (I say this like it wasn't
    only a year ago, heh.)

    I read some of your things, actually.
    On facebook yesterday. I didn't know
    this about you; that you enjoyed
    writing creatively. If this is all in your
    blog, I'm bad at stalking people..
    I always watch the sunrise if I'm up.
    I'm glad you appreciate it, too.

    She does love me. And she can love me.
    It's cold out and she's warmmmmmmmm.

    My favourite time to be awake is from
    3am - 10am. I think. I also enjoy other
    times, too.
    realized it wasn't you

    (this is the rest of my rep comment; not a lot of text, what's that?)

    My cat just licked almost the entire bottom of my foot.
    That was weird.
    That sounds like a hell of a good morning! I have no major plans this weekend. I think I might study some more for a certification I want to get. I am eating supper with my parents tonight. I know I will be watching more SG-1 too. I have a couple of plots that I want to expand on the outline which I might try to get further on. And probably some guitar playing. Laundry, maybe sorting some of the junk in my room in an attempt to get it ready to move. I really need to buckle down and figure out if I want to sell my car or not. Oh and research Canada some more to decide if I want to try to immigrate there.

    How about you?
    Well, if that's the case, then I look forward to today. Also, the fact that it's Friday is definitely a plus. :D
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