Alert! Chelsara is in "OCD" mode. Entering "Grammar Nazi" sub mode. Entering "Linguonerd" sub mode. Message: "There are so many things wrong with that sentence. Linguistics is the way of the FUTURE, as I have mentioned several times."
Chocolate cake batter cookies dipped in
pecans with milk chocolate pieces pressed
into the center and I will do whatever you
want. Like clean your bike spokes or vacuum.
It sounds like you've got yourself a very important task Mr. Gallup.
I was way different then. I haven't
thought about me at that age in a
long time. My eyes feel bigger. They
never felt this big before, when I
was younger.
Right now it's just me and a few friends playing around
but back when I was more normal and played on a team
I usually played midfield.
If only I had a couple of forties.
My middle school had colourful tile floors.
I loved them. I would just stare and stare
and stare at them in class. It's weird to
think how different I've become since then.
No. I know I will. I have soccer plans
later this evening and I am super duper
excited about that and I am supposed
to grab dinner with my best friend tonight
but I don't feel too inclined to eat today
so I don't know if I'll go through with that
or not. But I have been rather flakey as
of late :x
I'm also going to watch my nephews and
clean the house and all that house-wifery
stuff I have to do every day.