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  • Alert! Chelsara is in "OCD" mode. Entering "Grammar Nazi" sub mode. Entering "Linguonerd" sub mode. Message: "There are so many things wrong with that sentence. Linguistics is the way of the FUTURE, as I have mentioned several times."
    You think I'm pretty enough to pass as you?

    Chocolate cake batter cookies dipped in
    pecans with milk chocolate pieces pressed
    into the center and I will do whatever you
    want. Like clean your bike spokes or vacuum.
    It sounds like you've got yourself a very important task Mr. Gallup.

    I was way different then. I haven't
    thought about me at that age in a
    long time. My eyes feel bigger. They
    never felt this big before, when I
    was younger.
    Right now it's just me and a few friends playing around
    but back when I was more normal and played on a team
    I usually played midfield.

    If only I had a couple of forties.

    My middle school had colourful tile floors.
    I loved them. I would just stare and stare
    and stare at them in class. It's weird to
    think how different I've become since then.

    What will you be tutoring?
    I might get dressed at some point.

    No. I know I will. I have soccer plans
    later this evening and I am super duper
    excited about that and I am supposed
    to grab dinner with my best friend tonight
    but I don't feel too inclined to eat today
    so I don't know if I'll go through with that
    or not. But I have been rather flakey as
    of late :x
    I'm also going to watch my nephews and
    clean the house and all that house-wifery
    stuff I have to do every day.

    What classes do you have today senor?
    I've had very bad bus experiences.
    I only take the bus if there's too much
    snow to walk through.

    Why do you stand so near the front?
    (or sit, I assume you stand though)
    Yeah. I have quite a bit of leg. Definitely
    in comparison to your face. Please be
    especially careful around my ankles!
    You can start showing up at my
    shower times to shave my legs.
    I don't really like cherries either.
    I understand.

    You did ze evil thing first!!!!!1
    A care free smile, demanding respect

    I'm sure you did go through the metamorphosis.

    Come over and see my cherry trees.
    Eat their rotten, bitter, fruit.
    Let's do it. Our child will love it there.
    bah, I'll be fine. I am just having a few set backs at school, hopefully I'll manage. I am saving the PM for something bigger and more grave. ;P
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