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  • I think it's imperative you know that I just saved
    a snake's life from the evil claws of my cats.
    Blizzard will forever be safe in my possession
    when he falls to Holly whims.
    I've only been there a handful of times.

    I don't know if I want you to become a mindless drone...
    I like boys who can think..
    That's exactly how I get; head over heels.
    Like Mr. PhD Man, he just had to quote
    books to me. Damn him and his doctorate

    Disgrace by JM Coatzee
    The Solitude of Prime Numbers by Paolo Giordano
    A Tale of Love and Darkness by Amos Oz

    I wish to finish A Tale of Love and Darkness tonight.

    I don't know. I don't know if I want to spend that
    many hours with him.
    takin' classes, chillin' on campus. and thinking. thats about it.
    how 'bout you?
    I like your interpretation (:

    For same reason I feel like if we were
    in person right now I'd flirt shamelessly.
    Probs. my obsession with book/author

    I really want to finish my book tonight.

    I think I might lay in bed and watch
    a movie and then read and then
    fall asleepeeepeppeeeeep.
    Perhaps we should start a 'How to manipulate an INFJ into loving you'-thread.
    I know how to treat my INFJs right :]
    I am telling myself I am going to bed early tonight.
    I probably won't be. My friend Kurt asked me if I
    wanted to go up north with him on one of his trips.

    I'll cross my fingers and hope
    that you'll get the extension.

    Do you work tonight?
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