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  • I feel like I'm their mother. It upsets
    me greatly upon occasion. It's hard
    for me to be so selfless they're not
    mine and I cannot get over it. Oh

    And yes, I do know. You're a
    very dangerous man.
    And you tell me you're evil.

    I don't know what this means.

    Today it feels like summer. But windy.
    We have a few bitter cherry trees in
    our yard; they turn quickly. That is
    how (: silly silly goose (;
    Look at you and your book knowledge.
    What are you trying to do to me, Andrew?

    I am having some much needed alone time.
    Sort of. The baby is asleep and Ian is rid-
    ing his bike up and down the driveway and
    I am just sitting in the warmth. It's very nice
    out today. (: I am glad. I'm also doing laundry
    as well as considering sweeping the patios
    and the porch. I've only been on the porch but
    I am sure they all need cleaned. Fall is upon
    us and the wind has been blowing leaves
    all over. And now I am helping my nephew
    to put his shoes on. How wonderful.
    What a Pandora I am.
    Oh no ):



    What are you doing, good sir?
    Alexander Pope is my love at the moment.


    My tongue is indeed wicked.
    Ouch, MY FINGER!

    You &@#$! @#$^#$ &#$#@ &$$@#$ and your mom is a &$# #@$^@ !@#%& *^%$@

    Now where'ye at, where'ye at?
    Now there'ye go, there'ye go.

    I'm not very familiar with much of her work. My grandmere
    loves her. I'm kind of naturally repulsed :x
    She's also not really my style..
    Hahahaha. Water. My maintenance men loved us
    so they paid our water bill for us (;
    So I couldn't really be that much of a nazi over
    the waterbill. Besides I take the longest and
    hottest showers of anyone I know.

    Your poor parents. Everyone thinking they're
    lying about their hellion child :P

    Baby's are very complicated. And thinking of
    myself pregnant freaks me out. That's an e-
    ntire body inside my own. I don't like that i-
    dea. Eyelashes, fingernails, bones. Mmm nope.
    A femur. I just get really creeped out.
    Now I'm all goose pimpled and on edge.

    I like to be honest. Honesty is best.
    There is no excuse about his dirty dishes.
    I also happen to be a dirty dish nazi. I will
    clean your dishes and you will know that
    I am cleaning your dishes if you've left
    them because you will hear them being
    banged throughout the kitchen at four
    in the morning. People will start doing
    their own dishes. Especially if they use
    pans. Your method works, well, too. Mine
    is just more feminine :P

    I used to have really short hair, too. I used
    to have pictures. But then I took them all

    My head can be quite a very terrifying place
    at times. But I can tell some really nice stories
    I do sometimes imagine wonderful scenes.
    But everyone can.

    You should think. Everyone should. (:

    My parents consider me their good child (:
    Really I'm just the most intelligent and I was
    honest with them. They just chose to believe
    I was kidding. Which is fine with me. Deny.
    Deny. Deny.

    That's the best thing about being twenty (:
    I successfully made it through my teen
    years baby free.
    HAHAHAHAH. I never saw the movie but have a rough idea, that sounds quiiiiite interesting to say the least, haah.
    Oh my gosh. I am an electric bill nazi. No joke.
    God forbid the electric bill be higher than I'd
    like. I like things to be unplugged unless they're
    being used. Sure it's not as convenient but as
    an American you're eating way too much anyway.
    Just another good way to burn calories, moving
    shit and bending over and stuff. It's not like I went
    off the wall but if I saw something plugged in I
    would unplug it as I'd walk by.

    I would take out the fuses if I were you. I should
    have thought of that... But like I said. I'm good.
    Not evil (;

    What is new? I got a couple of inches
    of my hair cut. Nothing drastic though
    andddddddddddddddd that's all I have
    really. Nothing ever exciting happens
    in my life. I'm really quite a dull person
    if I'm always by myself.
    I'm too busy being wrapped up in my head,
    that is, than to actively go exploring IRL.
    Oh god. Not me. Mustard is I don't even know.
    It just tastes so good to me. I will sometimes
    dip my fries in ketchup but only if they're rea-
    lly salty. I usually really like to dip my fries in
    mayonnaise. But I don't like to eat fries all
    that often. I prefer my potatoes cooked in
    other ways.

    And now that you know all about
    my potato needs I'm going to stop
    rambling (:

    How's your day been, boy?
    Oh. I'm not big into ketchup.

    Buttttt I could buy some just for him (;
    I'm more of a mustard individual myself.
    I'm sure I can get my hands on a couple of vines.

    Will he eat the puff-balls if they threaten me? Holly?

    I have sort of a sick sense of humour. And he just got
    so mad and it was his own fault. It's not as though the
    tickets were unwarranted. I told him to slow down. He
    knew by that point that I'm scared of vehicles. I think
    it's really funny when people get mad. They don't ever
    like that I laugh at them, but meh. Anger is such a
    trivial and immature emotion. Especially when you
    hold onto anger. Like it's ever worth it. It just ruins
    Holly will be very nice to Blizzard.
    Give him treats and stuff (:

    The last time I was there it was with my exboyfriend Dylan.
    He got dos tickets for speeding. I for one thought this was

    If we were campaigning, I would be good, yes.
    Not ze evil.

    Realistically Blizzard would definitely be safe because these
    cats are my parents. The only time I've ever had my own cat
    was when I cat-sat for a month and a half for my friend Jake.
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