Recent content by bubah

  1. B

    What types do you like/dislike the most?

    My good friends are ESFP, ENFP, ENTJ, ENTP, ISFJ, and of course INFJ. Another really good friend is an ISTJ, but so is my dad, and that's a relationship that's just gotten healthy after I came back from college, though there are times... I was in a bad, unhealthy friendship with someone who...
  2. B

    INFP: the most judgmental type?

    Haha, I don't think INFJ has anything to do with math abilities. God did not bless me with those.
  3. B

    [INFJ] "all my good friends call me wilderness" -- The clarity in finding your INFJ identity

    That's pretty amazing, because for me, it was all of high school and the first year of college as well. But yeah, the test just made me really excited to be who I am for that very reason, it became tangible and understandable - or about as understandable as we can be put. I always love how...
  4. B

    INFJ Intuition work particularly well

    I'm not sure what you mean by that last part, but I've had a few instances where I've creeped myself out with my intuition. Once was when my sister was Skyping her boyfriend who she had declared just a month earlier that she was going to be marrying (well old enough for that to be reasonable)...
  5. B

    [INFJ] "all my good friends call me wilderness" -- The clarity in finding your INFJ identity

    Charlie G, I went through something similar to you. I thought a lot of stuff was wrong with me that really wasn't. In retrospect, I spent a long time going against my natural tendencies as an INFJ, trying to be an ESTJ instead (I did not know of the MBTI at this time). Very destructive, and led...
  6. B

    female INTP shocked by INFJ proposal

    "i thought that he saw me as more than hook up material.." You hit the nail right on the head with this. As an INFJ male, if I made that proposition (I wouldn't) and a girl said this to me, I'd be devastated in realizing what it was I was wanting - "just a hook up" buddy with someone I...
  7. B

    Have You Ever Tried To Fake Being An Extrovert?

    While I agree with the Doctor, I get what you mean. Have I ever acted sociable when I didn't feel like it? Sure. A lot of people do. My job requires me to be extremely sociable and outgoing towards others. And after a day, I find that I just like to close my door and be alone, reading, or...
  8. B

    Jesus said "No one can come to the Father except through me". Discuss.

    PrincessFirefighter Personally, I don't think we need to concern ourselves over who does and who doesn't go to Hell - that's God's problem. As Christians, we know that Christ is definitely the way to Heaven - is anything else? Possibly, but we just can't know for sure. For your example of...
  9. B

    Would you kill a puppy for $1000000?

    It would relieve me of the stress I build up over not knowing what to do with $5,000.00 in my bank account. Oh Gawd. I sicken myself.
  10. B

    Would you kill a puppy for $1000000?

    I feel guilty having $5,000.00 in my bank account from working. I feel that's living beyond my needs and that it could be put to such better use. I also think money is worthless if it's not doing anything, I believe a good economy is where money is constantly in motion, so I resent it when...
  11. B

    Jesus said "No one can come to the Father except through me". Discuss.

    You reject the existence of "divinity" - so what does divinity even mean? God? Ok, so define what God is. Is that all that's "divine" throughout theism? What makes something "divine" throughout theism? Is there any single definition of the "divine" in theism that "atheism" itself is rejecting...
  12. B

    Jesus said "No one can come to the Father except through me". Discuss.

    I think there are many implications about an atheist world view that atheists don't really consider. In truth, it depends on what kind of atheist you're talking about - A spiritual atheist like a Buddhist or animist? One who believes in magic without gods? One who considers science the supreme...
  13. B

    Jesus said "No one can come to the Father except through me". Discuss.

    It always makes me happy to see people pursuing the issues of religion with sincerity and intelligence. I'm really glad you've taken it so seriously, as I feel religion, or rather, your beliefs and relationship with God (or lack thereof) are the most important issues in life. In my...
  14. B

    Friendships and ability to be yourself

    Knowing who I can be myself around, and who I can open up to about my life has been a major issue for me recently. When I was in grade school, I moved around a lot. I was fairly popular, and people knew who I was and I had a lot of friends, even a few "best-friends," but no one who I felt like I...