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  • hmm. good luck. im willing to say the majority of ppl would have a hard time with NF style empathy, or even getting on the same "page" or "wavelength." but its a nice thought.
    i wanna go to Spain and Italy.:D have you been there? 'cause if so i could just travel vicariously through your mind :P. adios Delta, American, and Southwest :D!
    :m035:yay! i gotz a message! sorry, anyway. yeah, im out now. i got annoyed with my head so i decided to occupy someone elses...hmm i wish that worked IRL.
    interesting... that's a first i've heard.. but to each his/her own i guess ;)
    pssh, heckuva lot better than mine. i have two or three accessible. didn't wanna post them though lol :)
    meh, today was busy.. still have to find five more peaceful minutes to record. i kinda said screw it to rushing too, just to let you know.
    other than that most my pointless thoughts are on my blog today. and i expect the vid should be out by wed. at the latest.
    Thanks Becki. I certainly thought of you too whilst I was gone...... I missed talking and will have plenty to say here tomorrow. TTYS! :)
    well yeah, we all have our variant moments, but we each all have our base or best-fit type, as well. I would say your's is INFJ... yeah sometimes you look like an INFP im sure, but that's normal.
    I still haven't figured out my best-fit type. (unfortunately) *feels the PJs as he walks out.* gotta get me a pair, those are nice :D
    yeah, i had given some thought to INTJ, INTP, et al. i guess the point is i just don't know... :(
    Darnit! I want more fun! Ok, I may be on for a short while in the morning. TTYL! :) PS--I may post my anger poem tonight!!
    Too much fun B, but I have to finish up work. Be back on in a little bit at home. All this "poetry" is making me, uhh.......hey look a kitty! ttys!
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