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  • I'm so glad to hear that, Enty. My parents had it rough, in ways that resemble some of what you have gone through, but they were GREAT parents, too, as I am sure you are. So do you think you can see yourself like your kids, as deserving of the same respect? Anyway, you don't have to respond. I'm not trying to prod you in ways that make you uncomfortable,and I'm sure you have heard this all before. I just want to add to the pile of people who say that you deserve that respect, too.
    I see, I was just wondering if maybe you could delegate dishes to a kid, and then see if you can treat them fairly. If you can, then maybe you could see yourself there and treat yourself with the same fairness.

    As for burning yourself, i've done that before. Sometimes you just don't notice how hot it is, so I wouldn't worry that you are subconsciously attacking yourself.

    Anyway, what do I know.
    Hey, the chapter 5 edits are in your Hotmail now! I am getting excited to read and edit more. The action is about to really get going I can tell! :p
    Happy 8,000 posts!

    And thank you for the song by Susan Bareilles. I just saw the post while browsing the "Songs that remind you of members" thread.
    maybe I should discuss it with you first. I'm wondering if you'd have time in about ten minutes or so to go om msn to talk about some stuff that is really bothering me.
    I wasn't able to start anything. What section would I use then to announce my intentions for a temporary self Ban?
    hey :) How do I make an announcement? I tried to start a new thread but it told me I didn't have access to that page.
    stupid question: what does OP mean? other post, and what, other person?
    if you get the time, could you be so kind as to look at my poem "A Sonnet on Thoughts" and give some criticisms/feedback? Looking to improve the structure/rhythm some.

    so how are you?
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