IndigoSensor | Page 27 | INFJ Forum
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  • We're knights of the round table
    We dance whenever we're able
    We do routines and chorus scenes
    With footwork impeccable

    We dine well here in Camelot
    We eat ham and jam and spam a lot

    We're knights of the round table
    Our shows are formidable
    But many times we're given rhymes
    That are quite unsingable

    We're opera mad in Camelot
    We sing from the diaphragm a lot

    War we're tough and able, quite indefatigable
    Between our quests we sequin vests
    And impersonate Clark Gable
    It's a busy life in Camelot

    I have to push the pram a lot
    When I was reading it I was thinking "This is so how I sound when I get in that mood." lol.
    Haha. It also doesn't help that if you look at it from the right perspective, it looks like a girl might be holding unto a very, very, erect penis lol.
    Cool thanks for the info. I usually frequent and read up on astrology reports by susan miller from astrologyzone. Her reports are specific yet open to interepretation. But im looking to learn more in depth so ill take a look.
    haha yeah its a love hate thing for me getting side tracked with something as fun as music. oh hey wanted to ask you, you ever listen to massive attack at all? theyre kind of like trip hop and it reminded me of what you listen to.
    Oh ya I got buried in a snow drift today! The wind blew the snow up against my car three feet high. Then the snow plow plowed me in. It was a fun day. I am building up my pile so I can build a snow fort with the kids this year. Last year as you know was no snow. I can't wait to build a snow fort with them and light some candles and let them have a little fun like I did as a kid around here. Thanks for the Rep. If you guys are coming over this way to board let me know I may be able to ride with ya. Don't worry I can ride. lol
    I didn't say it was valid... like death panels... Either way I quit; any amount of logic will not shut em up... a tire iron might but there are laws about that...
    And yes, G-coupled proteins. They play an integral role in signal transduction and in the release of Ca2+ ions because if they build-up too much, the fluid balance in the body gets upsetted and the cells dehydrate.
    That looks like black monster tar erupting. Seeing that reaction first hand may mildly startle me lol.

    And 0.5% lol, what would be the literature % yield for that reaction?
    That makes sense, I do tend to not see how I come across to people. However, I see rep as a judge of character, and I don't think character should be judged be opinions or beliefs. More strictly actually, of how firm you hold to the beliefs under pressure. That's the only reason why I was shocked, the fact that I got bad reps didn't upset me, what upset me was simply my perception that I was just stating my beliefs, and trampled for it. I mean, to each his own. Sure I got frustrated on the last page, but thats simply because I was just voicing an opinion. I mean I've never harmed an animal in my life, and I never will. But I'm distraught at this point (if thats the right word) because I know (intuitively though) that the majority of them would do it for the money, and I'm not sure why they aren't saying that.
    Honest question, to end the ambiguous statement, what should all those bad reps tell me exactly? I'm being serious. That the forum is full of animal lovers? Or... What.
    No, I do see how humans *can* be the weaker beings. But I don't agree with it, whatsoever. I never said my disagreement with the other side was due to lack of understanding, but more owed to a differing view. As someone else stated, we aren't necessarily the strongest, the fastest, the tallest, the swiftest, and yet we are still on top. Does that count for nought?
    People have already asked the other side of the coin. Trust me, I flipped that coin many times before I decided to post. I find it awkward at the most, that people find it offensive I believe Humans to be superior. Just look around you.
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