I'm sure you'll do.

We learn about ourselves, in one way or another. Nah, I'm absolutely sure we do. Now whether if what we learned was what we liked and/or wanted to learn, was another matter altogether. :| While you can (and while I can) let's live our life in every best way possible *hugs*
I found myself (at times, the other times I understand them) perplexed with some philosophers (and the ideas they sprout) about the..ultimate goal of living. I was thinking about their belief itself but then I realized what I'm perplexed at is their...how they think.....black-or-white, all-or-nothing, 0/1 kind of thinking. Then just now a question popped; What were they seeing, and what were they seeking? I don't know. Meh, am I making any sense here?
Ah, fantasy and sci-fi are my friend's favorite genre; she have (and read) a lot of it, it's admirable (she's more into low fantasy, IINM). She suggested Ursula LeGuin's The Left Hand of Darkness to me; which I take and read gladly. What are your favorite novels?
I myself admit so far the novels I'd read is countable by fingers *Chicken Soup series not counted; besides the nonfiction genre, it felt like a feel-good book rather than a novel* and I'm...well, tasting a bit here, a bit there. So now there's a lot of book to catch up.
Does university libraries have only few novels? I hadn't ever been to one.