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  • There are simply too many.
    My feeble, inferior, female brain just cannot grasp them all (;
    I see. To think that one can read so many books... come to think about it, random question; can you read a book in one go? Or rather, how many time you usually took to read one book? So far I have to take at least two times (so about....prolly 6-10 hours non-stop, I'd say) to finish reading a book, so seeing books --tons of books-- like that is kinda... astonishing, to say the very least.

    Hmm, wasn't most book contains some sort of ideology within? So I guess ideology here is more apparent --even crucial-- to the plot? Or is it the opposite; as in, they're more hidden?
    Well, on the other hand they must had thought about things more than everyone else, but as the result...the imaginary web of reality is far more complex. *sigh* I wish it'd look like an elaborate dolly, that it's going to be pretty to look, but that rarely be the case. Then again, is it the problem of the thinker, or the one who (failed to) understands?

    Metaphysics seems to be an interesting topic to read, but hearing the word physics made me kinda went blah. As far as subjects related to meta are concerned, metafiction and metaknowledge is still enough for me (yeah, I definitely show my lack of knowledge here -A-)

    I haven't read any philosophical novels before. Have been kinda longing to read Nietzsche, but....I don't know if I'm capable of understanding it. But nuff said; what make you like to read philosophical novels? Is it about the philosophies contained?

    ...And that seems to be an amazing amount of books right there on your libraries. Is there the case with most universities, or yours was a special case? It's definitely interesting, but at the same time I wonder how much could (or would) someone read.

    Completely lots of books .A.
    I'm sure you'll do. :) We learn about ourselves, in one way or another. Nah, I'm absolutely sure we do. Now whether if what we learned was what we liked and/or wanted to learn, was another matter altogether. :| While you can (and while I can) let's live our life in every best way possible *hugs*

    I found myself (at times, the other times I understand them) perplexed with some philosophers (and the ideas they sprout) about the..ultimate goal of living. I was thinking about their belief itself but then I realized what I'm perplexed at is their...how they think.....black-or-white, all-or-nothing, 0/1 kind of thinking. Then just now a question popped; What were they seeing, and what were they seeking? I don't know. Meh, am I making any sense here?

    Ah, fantasy and sci-fi are my friend's favorite genre; she have (and read) a lot of it, it's admirable (she's more into low fantasy, IINM). She suggested Ursula LeGuin's The Left Hand of Darkness to me; which I take and read gladly. What are your favorite novels? :D

    I myself admit so far the novels I'd read is countable by fingers *Chicken Soup series not counted; besides the nonfiction genre, it felt like a feel-good book rather than a novel* and I'm...well, tasting a bit here, a bit there. So now there's a lot of book to catch up.

    Does university libraries have only few novels? I hadn't ever been to one.
    But isn't it better to know you've chosen the wrong path (again) rather than to know nothing? I see nothing wrong with choosing another path, just as how doing the same thing is no problem to me, as long as they still cherish it. Otherwise, it's not value / preciousness they're holding on, but attachment. :P

    Ah, now that you mentioned the name, it rung a bell in my head....read a Wikipedia about that, I think. In the end, relating it to the myth itself...was...a.. meaningless journey, so to speak; but I guess philosophy itself is about the journey. ;|

    so you're looking for another novel? What kind of novel do you usually read?
    yup, absolute certainty seems a common cultural desire, i wouldn't be surprised if people latch on to religions so vehemently because they offer the promise of something concrete. but like you said, we infer patterns and use them to make educated guesses about what to do next, that's probably as close to complete certainty as we're gonna get (with our unaltered primitive monkey minds anyway =P) yet it's a far cry from truly knowing anything. if you graph it it's probably exponential, approaching zero in rapidly increasing increments, but never quite getting there. maybe there's an unwritten law that precludes total certainty
    Don't worry, you can do it :D why do you think so, though?

    Are you talking about the actual myth, or is there a novel using that name too? *kinda clueless about novels, actually* How was it?
    Lol, i'm not sure i should be thanking you either (thankyou!) yet here we are ;) maybe certainty is entire irrelevant
    I see. I'm glad; you seemed to choose your decision wisely, and bravely.

    Such days of uncertainty -will- come, I won't lie, maybe not so far from now, and it'll be hard, you're going to go against yourself, and in there lies the decision to go through or to change --back or into another-- and both are fine. It'll be alright in the end. Because you're not lost.

    At least, that's what I believed. I hope it won't happen to you xD;;

    So, going easier, how's life? :D
    I sincerely hope it'll go well. And you've made a better standing than I did back then by admitting your weakness; without doing so..... I'm very prone towards going down to a spiral of self loathing by the differences of the ideals and my own capacity, so more power to you :D

    And one thing that I wanted to ask; what made you made those directions?
    my rep comment got cut off, sorry xD i'd tell you the rest of it, but there doesn't seem to be much point now.
    i tried to read it in 12th grade and got lost, i give you props. went back a few years later and couldn't put it down. more infj's need to read it imo, nice to find one who has, ttyl
    OH! I forgot about that. Yeah, what he said is pretty much it. Anything I would have said would have just been superfluous for the most part.
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