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  • I tend to agree with your view. I believe our first four functions are how we view and interact with the world. I tend to think that people who think they use their lower functions adequately are individuals who have worked on those skills (Possibly our first four functions mixing together to look like another function) and 'actively' see themselves using those functions and, due to the inherent near subconscious nature of our natural functions, they forget what they naturally act like.
    aw thanks, i'm glad you appreciate them :) it's really nice to be able to ask them here, since people here are pretty intelligent and insightful, and i'm often confused about a lot of stuff, lol. anyway, take care, and see you around the forums ^^
    I grew up having very little respect for the feeling side of life; I saw it as weak. I really wanted to be a thinking type because I thought they got more respect. So I convinced myself I was, I convinced some others to.

    As far as what convinced me I wasn't... I am not sure my answer will help because it was basically my sister who convinced me of my NF ness. She's an INTP and could clearly see the difference between the way she and I behaved.

    Uummm what might help you get some clarity is to ask people what you were like as a real little kid. You see I was originally convinced I was an ENTP then I went to ENFP doing this excercize convinced me of my introversion. Cause when your little you have no time to put on masks you know.
    Bah! The geomancers attacks are useless, they can be used almost anywhere yes, but they do minimal damage and rarely have status effects.

    The Ninja is a favourite of mine, speed, strenght, finesse! Kicks those geomancers asses!
    So you've come!

    BTW, The Dancer is the best job class in FF tactics and you know it.
    Oh, I've already been accepted.
    I'm just not sure I want to go there yet.
    I'm pretty sure I'm going to go to med school there.
    I'm just kinda nervous.
    You can't rep a rep, lol. I don't think it is listed in the faq's. The thread tagging thing is only a few months old.
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