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    DAT GUD.
    And yes, we're talking about the same person here.
    I did think about you, but more in the way of 'partner-in-crime-who-I-have-buttsex-with'.

    We'd be a good team.
    And then I was like: 'I kind of miss Melky's cuddlyness ;('
    Give me some manlove pls ;D

    Or are you taken now? :(
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <protocol.h>
    #include <melkor.h>
    #include <intp.h>
    #include <vbulletin.h>
    #include <memory.h>

    int main ()

    scanf ("%s", melkor_message);

    if (melkor_offended) > 1, goto damage_control;

    if (melkor_offended) < 1, goto humor;


    printf ("I'm sorry, %name. I didn't realize you'd be offended by the implication that you were a machine. You implied that about me, so I assumed you wouldn't be hurt if I implied the same about you. Although now I wonder... were you trying to hurt my feelings with that implication?", name);


    printf ("Very funny, %name. You knew that my nickname in High School was The Machine, don't you? LOL at the complex fake emotions and terminator-esque messages.", name);

    return 0;
    Well, I was a wind storm two weeks ago and it knocked the power out. Tonight has been clear and in the mid 60s, good night to go for a run if I didn't have a morning class.
    Very funny.

    I knew you INTPs weren't real people. I did that on purpose to crash you so I could check. ;)
    Well, I might certainly suffer from that delusion! Indeed so, for what did I know about humans, much less one as yours? Probably far less than a speckle of dust, indeed. =p But what are humans, if they don't try? Don't you agree?
    Hey, Melkor.

    Just noticed your IM. See, the thing is, I left my IM online last night... so I wasn't really there when you were talking to me.

    The reason I can't cancel my account is because there are a few people that can only reach me via AIM, but they only contact me every few months.

    I try to minimize the number of people who rely on it, though, because I'm really not on there much.
    But still, I'd prefer to stick to slower messages on here. IMing bring back too many bad memories. I think I also feel too invested when IMing, because it's real-time, demands more of me, and I don't have as much time to process.

    It's probably not your fault that IMing makes me feel the way I do. It's probably the fault of two people named Haphazard and BlueWing/SolitaryWalker I knew a long time ago, and perhaps my own for not being able to forget what they did to me.
    HOW deviant? :D Enlighten me.

    Awww, I can't talk to you if you're frowning. But of course, you might enjoy your life better without me talking and sprouting nonsense?
    Oh, and... umm, I'd kind of like to make sure you don't become emotionally dependent on me. I've had problems before with a really needy INTJ who ended up forcing me to be near the computer all the time by freaking out every time I left. I spent a whole year on AIM trying to talk them down off a ledge, and then after they got better, just blew me off saying that I was "boring" and "needy," even though they had been the one that needed me. I don't need any more obsessive NTs playing weird emotional projection games.

    I'm a little afraid of you wanting me to be on AIM all the time, because I don't think I can take that kind of pressure anymore. Two people have already done this to me, and what's worse is that I now think they might have been faking their negative emotions to amuse themselves listening to my response. I now also think they were using my responses to help them write books about certain kinds of characters. They were both authors.

    Very sorry. I find you to be an interesting person, but I begin to panic when an NT claims to feel emotions. I just can't trust that your feelings are genuine, that they're not some way of stealing the sentiment in my responses for a book, or that they're not some kind of sick joke. It's not personal, I've just grown a bit... typist against NTs when it comes to trusting that their feelings aren't an attempt to drain energy, or amuse themselves at my expense. If you weren't an INTx, maybe I would consider trusting you. Sorry, again.

    *glomps, pokes, messes with Melkor's cheeks, pushes his cheeks left, right, center, up*

    how are you doing? :)
    Oh, and I think it also makes them more bitter and cynical about people, because they're forced to fake deep levels of relationship with people they dislike, due to social expectations they can't wiggle out of, due to not being able to avoid the "spotlight." They have to accept the messy, informal, chaotic structure among peers, rather than being able to seek protection in the established structure of society in general.

    Probably due to something that makes them stand out, and forces them to participate.
    Sorry I had to leave in such a hurry.

    I've noticed a trend that INTPs tend to be similar to INFJs, except that for some reason or other, they're unable to shield themselves from criticism and teasing due to something like an embarrassing name, or being so tall that they stand out. They're unable to just blend in and avoid being singled out.

    I think that the inability to come off as dignified and reserved, forces them to be more adaptable, and are not able to be as selective about their friends. They have to sort of take what they can get, and they can't rely on any kind of structure to protect them, because they're not as able to ingratiate themselves to it.
    Well, it's hard not to like the English. They speak my language better than anyone else, after all. The combination of eloquence and familiarity probably makes them unusually appealing.

    Okay, I'm online, and you're added.

    I may only be able to talk intermittently, but I'm here.
    What is the Melkor thing?

    Okay, so the impression I'm getting is that the English and Irish cultures don't actually differ that much. The stereotype of England being a more urban and progressive society, and Ireland being more backwards and traditional... is probably false.

    Now that I think about it, almost everything I've read on the subject is from the English perspective... probably because theirs is the language I speak.

    I can get MSN if you want, but I already have AIM and Yahoo. The thing is, you'd have to notify me on here, because I won't go on there unless someone specifically requests for me to go on there. I find it rather demanding to have to respond in real-time.

    AIM: athenian200
    Actually, I've also promoted the abolition of the family unit, because I think it promotes a lot of archaic, maladaptive ways of living that are dependent on the specific tradition in a particular family. In other words, I think that social engineering by rearing children in carefully controlled environments is essential. I agree with you, if I understand you correctly.

    I think it would be a shame if Northern Ireland left the UK. I can see a lot more advantages in being tied to the UK than to Southern Ireland. Southern Ireland seems to be more strongly religious and traditional, not a very progressive society. From what I've heard.

    Do I have a better idea of the situation now? Or do I need to get a good book on the subject before I make a fool of myself? LOL.
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